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Home Sweet Quiet Home

This week we have been enjoying a business trip that has us staying in the Atlanta area. Coming through Atlanta was absolutely crazy! The place we are staying is actually considered a suburb. You can't tell though because you never knew when you left Atlanta itself! Our hotel is very nice and that is always a plus. I had hoped we could sneak in a field trip of sorts but there really isn't anything close enough. There is a lot of shopping here though and our family enjoyed seeing the large malls and letting the kids ride the train and carousel.

Wow, what a difference from any of the places we ever called home! Even the place we used to consider the big city is really nothing more than a town in comparison.
Before we moved to our current home, we lived in a very rural area. Snakes and coyotes were a constant in life, traffic and people were not ha ha! But I loved my quiet life. It was peaceful. Peace was welcomed anyway we could get it during the stress of the last couple of years there! One of my favorite places was at the top of the hill behind our church. Each day the sunrise and the sunset engaged in a rival of beauty. The downside of living in such a rural area is, of course, that when you need ANYTHING it requires either a trip to a small grocery where prices are sky high (double to triple the normal price) or eating up time to travel to a larger town where there are more choices. There are no city sports for the children and no malls for the teenagers. The hangout there was literally the carwash.

So it was nice when we moved to a little bigger place. We have several grocery stores and a walmart along with several different types of dollar stores and drugstores. We also have a choice of restaurants. Our house is just a few miles from town and while we are in a neighborhood, it is still quieter than town. However, not having to worry over wild critters has also been good. ;) The girls can take dance now and play sports right in their own hometown. FlowerChild's soccer team even won the city championship!

Then we come to Atlanta! It has me contemplating how grateful I am to live in a smaller town. I know some people absolutely thrive on the frenzied pace of life that a big city offers. I am not one of them though! I can not imagine having to face the crush of activity and stress it requires, just to run a simple errand or have a family outing.

Although this has been a nice trip, I am looking forward to getting back to my quiet home. My little yappy dogs that drive me crazy will be excited to have their children back to play. My kitties will be happy to have a lap back to lay in. I look forward to cooking instead of eating out. I look forward to my children playing outside. Their favorite spot is under a big pecan tree they have nicknamed "Big Mama" and they call it their bakery.

Yes, we lead a simple life but I love it. I love having our little routines. I love home. :)


  1. We, too, love life in our quiet, rural farming community. We have 2 grocery stores and a drug store. Other than that, we can drive just 20 minutes into a bigger city for Wal-Mart, Costco, etc...

    My husband has been unemployed for much of the past year. We are applying for jobs, and praying about whether we will really need to move to a bigger city (Seattle area). He needs a job ... but we really don't want to raise our kids in the city. So hard.

    Hope your weekend is BLESSED!

    Laurel :)

  2. Laurel,
    I agree, I would rather raise my children in a smaller place. Where I live now is just the right size.
    I don't know what the cost of living is out there but I would think moving to the city would eat up a lot of his pay if he gets a job. Are you in a position to move to another state if need be or are your older children in that area? We are about 3 1/2 hours from our oldest in college. It's so hard to be that far! So I could certainly understand if you wouldnt want to move too far.
    Praying that God continues to supply strength, insight and provision for your family, that He will open doors and grant you discernment to follow His will!!

  3. I would love to be able to raise my children in a smaller town. We live in a Houston suburb, but we have several high schools (not just one) and it's easy for kids to get lost in the shuffle.

  4. Yes, I grew up in a larger place like that. I definitely felt that way!


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