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Showing posts from May 11, 2009

Reverse Encouragement

I have had a time with discouragement lately. Then I feel guilty for getting discouraged. Which discourages me. But God has been good to me and he used some folks to encourage me this weekend for which I am grateful. The GuitarMan came home and it was such a sweet visit. I enjoy having him around so much. Some friends of his were around here some this weekend too which made me realize how much I miss having their traffic through my home! But he is coming home for the summer soon! I made a new friend who is also a pastor's wife. She is one cool chick! Easy to talk to and a transparent person who doesn't put on airs. I like that! I have enjoyed getting to talk with her. We spent time with friends Friday night and I just really did not feel myself. But they loved me anyway and made me laugh. It's nice to just be me. My sweet girls hugged me, told me they loved me and wished me Happy Mother's Day a kzillion times yesterday. Oh, they are so precious to me! A friend emailed t