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Showing posts from June 3, 2011

But I don't want to!

I'm having an attitude problem. I'm looking around at what needs to be done. I have the desire for the work to be done but I have no desire to actually do the work! Therein lies the problem. I think we could truthfully apply that to a lot of areas in our life. We want our church to have "programs" but we don't want to actually work in them. We want to be healthy but we don't want to work or sacrifice to get that way. Same thing with weight...(don't even want to go there LOL!) We want our children to behave, make good choices, etc but we are tired. We want our homes to look nice but don't want to do housework, yardwork, work! Ugh, so what to do, what to do? I'm telling myself the answer right now as I type. Get over yourself! Sometimes you have to lay aside the selfish, less important desires and just do the harder thing in order to get results and have the real desires of your heart. I guess that's where I am headed no