I was doing a little visiting on different blogs tonight and several mentioned cooking. I am still recovering and still finding it hard to be on my feet very much. Naturally I have my ups and downs as I deal with the aftermath of everything that has happened. I am finding that having to wait on my physical recovery is not helping in other areas. My natural tendency when things feel out of control or I am upset on the inside is to try to restore order on the outside. It feels good to see order emerge from chaos, the house start to feel like a home, a nice meal come together. Right now I am having to be patient! Well, anyway...I was visiting over at my bloggy friend's Mrs. B's, and she was talking about menus. She mentioned being in S. Texas and how ball season would be starting up soon. Y'all....I was immediately taken back years and years.... I literally LOL!! See back when my husband and I were first married he worked construction at the oil refineries and we were in Texa...
Finding joy and peace because of the chaos in my life, not in spite of it!