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Plate Filling

I'm sitting here relaxing for a few more minutes before heading back to the schoolroom. Are my kids the only ones who have a morning snack first and like to eat their breakfast mid morning? I guess they get it honest. I like my Hills Brothers Cappuccino first thing and then I eat midmorning. It works for us. Then we will eat our lunch around 1-1:30. Funny how the time difference when we moved reset our internal body clocks. We are finally getting to where we don't think of Central time as being "what time it REALLY is" ha ha

It's been a busy summer. Although it is surely hot there is something in the morning breeze that hints at fall. I can't wait to see the colors change. We are closer to the mountains and I hope some scenic trips might be in our autumn plans! I can't complain about the scenery right in our own town though. Even a trip to Wal-mart is rewarded with the mountains jutting up in the distance. And a 5 minute drive from my home gives a breathtaking view. Maybe I can share it with you sometime.

My plate is slowly filling up. We've been here 6 months. The first few months at a church are a settling in time. But gradually you begin to find your own niche and fill the spots where you are needed most. It started with doing the music for VBS. What fun that was!

From there the Lord has laid it on my heart to start a children's choir. It seems inadequate to call it that because it conjures up pictures of children lined up stiffly at the front of the church as they sing little songs. I want it to be more like VBS music with lots of movement and sign language.

Then I joined the choir. It's been a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed making a joyful noise.

Then the ladies SS class teacher suddenly took a new job opportunity and moved. So this month I've been teaching the ladies. Next month I am starting a new College and Career age class.

Yesterday I agreed to take on coordinating the AWANA program. Several people had been asking me to do it. I've been reluctant and had not given them a definite answer. I finally told them my main concern. I worry that I will take on the leadership position but it will mushroom into having to teach, etc. They assured me this won't happen. Hhmmm....we'll see! LOL

But the place I am needed the most is right here in my home with my precious family! I am blessed to be here. I love that when my husband goes to work at the office I can look right out the window and see the building. I love that I can be here to make home a place he wants to come to. I love that when my children are curious about something that they come to me. I even love that when they act up it is me that deals with it. Misbehavior comes from a root of heart trouble. I want to be the one who holds my children's hearts and guides them to the ultimate Keeper of the heart!

I just want to be very careful to not allow anything to start creeping in and taking over the most important part of my duties. Sometimes we can be guilty of thinking this is just home and that the other responsibilities we have are the ones that can't slide. While it wouldn't be right to accept a responsibility, only to give a half-hearted effort, it's worse when we give a half-hearted effort for those who are most important to us. I'm not saying this as I stand on a pedestal, patting myself on my back, because I would NEVER do that. I'm just as guilty as anyone else of letting laziness creep in and taking my biggest blessings for granted. Just as laziness is no excuse, neither is busyness. So I am trying to carefully evaluate what God would have me take on. 

I don't want to let life get so full, even with 'good" things, that I miss out on the best! :)


  1. Lisa, I totally understand. Our last church we really liked is just so far away, it wasn't really possible for me to volunteer for anything, but I know some ladies were doing like everything and still had kids at home and some even had jobs and I wondered how on earth did they do it all. I'm sure something suffered from it, and I know if it were me it would likely be my home and family. It's bad enough with my job. You are such a good mom and wife and I know your family is blessed knowing you keep them as a top priority.

  2. Patty,
    I remember when y'all had visited that church. I hate it was too far. It's hard to feel a part of things when just getting there is a chore. And having that church family can be so encouraging. Its a shame you're in TN. I think y'all would LOVE the pastor and wife at my church! They are just cool people LOL Oh yeah that would be me and my husband! ;)


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