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Are You Dense?

Guys, if you are too delicate to read this post, please have your wife, gf, sister, daughter to read it. While I do joke around in this post the info provided may at the least, help her with questions and at the most, save her life!

I finally went to the doctor for a physical a couple of weeks ago and she scheduled me for a mammogram.

This was my first mammogram so even though I had heard stories I was still unsure of what to expect. I had always heard how it hurt, etc, etc. But that's it. Well, let me fill you in. No one ever mentioned the stickers to me. Yes, you get pretty little flowered stickers. And let me tell you, it takes a talented technician to keep the awkward vibes down when there you are standing in front of her naked from the waist up while she decorates your bosoms with flower stickers. So from there you stand at this machine and she positions you and repositions you to make sure you are just so. Once again, major awkward factor as she pulls and tugs. There's really nowhere to look at this point so I just plastered a friendly expression on and tried to appear attentive. I mean, she's about to squeeze the ta-ta's in a vise, so I figured friendliness might be key.

It really wasn't horrible pain by any means. I've experienced worse. Well, at this point she told me that I had dense breast tissue and that the pectoral muscles were short and deep which complicated getting a good view behind the muscle and she was surprised since I had nursed 3 babies long term. This warranted extra views. I noticed she only did extra views on one side but thought no more about it. She mentioned my "young breast tissue" again and I thanked her and went on my way. How do you respond to this anyway? I'm Southern you must remember. So thank you it was.

Then I got the dreaded call back to return for a spot view compression mammogram and possible ultrasound.

When I arrived the first thing they told me was that there was an area of concern on the left chest wall. I had told myself that they just couldn't obtain an adequate view but when I heard this I had to face the possibility of something more.

Now a spot view compression mammogram is performed using the same machine but with different paddles and a LOT more pressure. It allows them to hone in on a particular area rather then the entire breast. Unlike the first mammogram, this one got pretty uncomfortable. After the spot view was taken the technician took it straight to the radiologist and had me wait in case he wanted additional views. While she was gone I prayed. I didn't beg God to not let there be anything there or anything like that. I just prayed that He would let the radiologist see everything he needed to with clarity, to protect my body and to walk with me through this.

When she returned more views were taken. Unlike the last mammogram, this one was excruciating. She had to get from under the breast to almost at the throat and squeeze it all in. Whew, had to shut my eyes on that one. But the radiologist was satisfied with this set of views.

Now why did all this have to be done? Because of dense breast tissue. You see, the breast is one area you actually want fatty tissue! Fatty tissue shows up as gray on a mammogram. Dense tissue shows up white. However, cancer also shows up as white. So when the radiologist reads the mammogram of a woman with dense breast tissue, he is trying to look through white to find white. They liken it to trying to find a polar bear in a snowstorm.

Younger women tend to have more dense tissue. But as you age the tissue turns more and more fatty. This is a good thing! Doctors used to think that having dense breast tissue simply made it harder to spot the cancer at an early stage. While true, they have recently discovered something else. Having dense breast tissue raises your risk of getting breast cancer by 4 - 6 times!!!

What does all this mean? Well, for one, every woman needs to know how dense her breast tissue is. It is actually rated. You can only tell by getting a mammogram and chances are you will have to ask. For women whose tissue is considered to be very dense it means that just having a traditional mammogram probably isn't enough. Now my doctor sent the orders for an ultrasound to be performed if the diagnostic mammogram had not been enough. If he had not been satisfied after the second round of views, that would have been the next step. Most of the resources I have studied indicate having something additional performed whether it be a spot view, an ultrasound, or an MRI.

I was given the all clear from the radiologist. But this experience forced me to research the topic and I for one, was shocked to find out about the risk factor dense breast tissue presents. So please, do your own search on the topic. Inform yourself. Take care of yourself. Don't rely on a form letter to tell you that your are healthy. Request the actual reports and see what the radiologist wrote. I read many testimonials from women who were diagnosed with advanced cancer after several years of the radiologist making a note that the tissue was dense. Many doctors are not aware of this! So arm yourself with knowledge! Be blessed!


  1. So glad you're clear, but sorry it took such a long and painful process to decide. I've not had one yet and I'm 41 now. Trying to get the nerve.

  2. Hey Patty
    Yes it was scary to realize something could be wrong. It leaves you feeling very much out of control of your own body.

    Please do not delay getting your mammogram. It's really no big deal so far as the actual process. Doctors recommend you have a baseline mammogram done between the ages of 35 and 40, then have one done every year after that. The baseline shows them what YOUR normal tissue looks like. They will then compare each year's mammogram to it so they can note any changes that might indicate a problem. It's very important that you go ahead and get that done.

    If you have health insurance it may cover the cost completely since it is preventive care.If you do not have any on you right now many states give free mammograms through the health dept.

    I know it is so easy to stick your head in the sand and try to pretend you can eventually do it. But it is far better if there is a problem that it be found early!! Do not delay in taking care of yourself, Patty. Go get it done!

    PS and if you haven't had your PAP and a complete blood panel done, take care of that as well. I know when things are tight it's easy to put it off. As a woman, we make sure everyone else has their medical care and tend to neglect our own. But you are worth it too and your family needs you to be in good health! :)

  3. Mary,
    Yes, very much so! But arming yourself with knowledge is a step in the right direction!


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