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Birthday Weekend

Rain is pouring outside this morning. Peaceful now but I'm not looking forward to doing errands in it! But I am thankful that it turned out to be a nice weekend. We celebrated Cornbread's birthday Saturday. We originally had plans on doing it at the zoo. We thought it might be a good location to enable us to invite some folks who aren't really able to come this far. While it would mean a trip for those who live here, we also thought it would be a fun day for all the kids.

Then we got the soccer schedule and had to regroup. It was not an easy feat! We tried to plan around games, GuitarMan's schedule, friend's work schedules...there was no choice but to do it Saturday night. That cut out inviting anyone from any distance. They kept talking rain and we thought, "Oh, my what will we do with a housefull of folks in the rain?" But we took the plunge and did it anyway and it turned out to be such a pleasant time.

Soccer took up the morning and we followed that with lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then we ran over to Wal-Mart and picked up what we needed. When we got home we all rested for a while. Everyone started arriving around 4:30. We grilled hotdogs, fried french fries and I fixed a pan of baked beans. The older kids played in the pool and on the slip and slide. The little ones toddled around and stayed busy with balls and dirt play, occasionally venturing over to investigate the slip and slide. The adults visited with each other indoors and out.

We followed that with supper then cake then presents! He was so adorable...he loved everything...well, he wasn't sure about that bouncing Tigger but as long it stayed still he was willing to at least like it lol. We got him a Harley Davidson trike. The guys said it was like our own version of American Chopper getting to put it together.

Plans were changed. The food wasn't fancy. The house wasn't perfect. We were a little crowded. But it was a night filled with lots of love and laughter. True fellowship.

I can't believe he is already two years old! My sweet boy...ha, ha he decided to show how big he was yesterday. He managed to make a break for it from the back of the church and burst into the sanctuary! He heard his daddy preaching and wanted to see he did. I was teaching the older children's Bible study but I hear it was quite the spectacle! :) Da-da!

Laugh and enjoy life today!!


  1. We enjoyed the visit and party as well. Was really surprised Chicken Little ventured over to the slip-and-slide. And I've never seen a woman assembling a bike on American Chopper. I think I like our version better--even if we do get a few odd looks and laughs while searching for


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