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Such a Little Lady!

What a busy week it has been! Homeschooling, grocery shopping, dental appointments, football (Roll Tide!), you name it! We baked cupcakes and I let the children have a blast decorating them any way they pleased. In fact, I just enjoyed eating one!

Friday, the GuitarMan happened to mention that my cousin had a college basketball game on Saturday. He thought I already knew about it. Well, we got all the details and thus was put together an impromptu trip to the bigger city to watch him play. Saturday morning I did some laundry and cut The FisherMan's hair. After that I bathed the children and got them dressed. Imagine my delight when I emerged from the bathroom to find that my sweet husband had finished cooking lunch, fixed all the children's plates, and even packed the diaper bag! Oh, that man does know how to sweep me off my feet!

We had a great time and the game was a nailbiter with my cousin's team grabbing the win after going into overtime. The children enjoyed it. FlowerChild watched the game some and when she grew bored with that would pull out an old reading book. She was so cute with her little pink nails, dangling earrings, and crossed legs! So grown up! She grew up going to her older brother's basketball games. Back then I would pack toys, snacks, books, dolls, coloring books, crayons, you name it in the hopes that she would remain entertained. She was quite the active child!

I will never forget the time a Hotwheel car was inadvertently placed in the bag. FlowerChild was probably 2 or 3 at the time. She was playing happily one minute but then the dreaded curiosity took over. You know how children love to discover cause and effect. There we were at a home game, towards the top of the bleachers (it was easier to keep her contained lol) when suddenly she stands up and I see her arm swing, then a Hotwheel car went sailing all the way down into the crowd below us! I swear it was like slow motion. I could hear myself screaming, "Nooooo...." to no avail. It landed in the midst of a very irate crowd of fans. They all turned as one to glare up at us. One of them began lecturing us from below in a loud voice as he frowned disapprovingly. All of them had sons and daughters playing but apparently they had never been small children.

I was horribly embarrassed at the time but obviously I laugh hysterically these days when I think about it. She threw her share of tantrums with those late nights and long car rides. But she is 7 now and yesterday she sat through a 2 hour car ride and the ballgame without the first whimper. So if you are the parent of a young child whose behavior can sometimes make you cringe, take heart! Keep on loving them, keep on training and explaining, and it will all come together for you. Can she still throw a fit? Well, she is female! But they all grow up. Don't let the training times rob you of the joy of those growing up years. :)


  1. And Mama stayed well composed during the "lecture"? I can just see you (either pregnant or with an infant Ladybug) calmly and justly, sharing your opinion on the matter. LOL
    Can't believe how much all the children have grown since ya'll been with us!!

    Love ya'll dearly!!

  2. Mama hen,
    LOL Well, I could see where they might get upset at this little brightly colored missile flying by their ear! But she was just a toddler and meant no harm. Thankfully it missed everyone in the group, hee hee! I just apologized and promptly hid the evidence!
    Yes, they have really grown!!!! We are blessed to have our church family! Love ya!


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