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Puttering Wide Open Through the Day

I sit here tonight soaking in the quiet for a few minutes before heading to bed. Today was a busy, rowdy sort of day. The morning started out with a bit of drizzly rain. We've been on the go so much lately that I opted to let the children sleep in and enjoy the rest. Honestly, I don't wake them up normally anyway. However I tiptoed a bit more this morning in hopes that a few extra minutes of sleep would help with any grouchies that threatened. Usually their built-in radar goes off within a few minutes of me getting up. That radar is not to be confused with the other models they have that alarm when Mama and Daddy are having a conversation or horrors, touching!

I decided to get in the kitchen today and putter. Now that I am off crutches I figure I will take it one day at a time, one room at a time and get things restored to normal. Today was kitchen day and it felt great to clean up and do a bit of rearranging of the countertops. I didn't push too hard, just did a little at a time. Henceforth, the term puttering.

Homeschooling flowed so easily that it was one of those days I was left reviewing the subjects in my head, thinking I surely must have missed something. But, no, it was just that easy today.

Tonight was church and the children all enjoyed themselves. Well, except our little resident princess. Our children's director's baby is a gorgeous little brunette with a big smile and sparkling eyes. Tonight she took a tumble and bumped the edge of the pew so hard that she not only bruised but it also busted open right at the edge of her eye. I've already spoken to The FisherMan about the possibility of moving all the pews out in favor of picnic blankets LOL. Ok, so maybe that isn't feasible. Hmmm....just padding the seats may not be enough. Can't you just see us putting foam on all the edges of the pews like you would do with a fireplace?

Tonight we had only been home from church a few minutes when there was a knock at the door. A couple of friends of my son's had stopped by. The girls enjoyed that excuse to stay up. We had a nice visit with them.

And now this old Mom is ready for bed!


  1. Thank you so much for thinking about our "little princess". She's a little swollen and a red/purple hue, but seems to be doing well. Decided that 5am was a good time to get up and see mommy and daddy before they went to work. Gotta love it!!!

  2. Mama Hen,
    Glad to hear it didn't bruise too badly. That was quite a knock to the face! And, hey, fit that playtime in whenever you can. Before you know it she'll be a teenager who wants sleep, cellphone, and hanging out with her friends above playtime with Mom and Dad!


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