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I May Be Busy But.....

......there's still time for people watching and pondering. More about that later.

I have been just awful lately about blogging regularly. Well, not blogging, I guess is more like it. My brain has just been so full of everything to the point of having nothing to say. Does that make sense? Do you ever get that way? I think maybe it comes with being an only child. You grow up with more alone time and you get used to keeping your thoughts inside. When blogging, it can be easy to let the days slip by until you realize, oops, I haven't blogged in a few days!

Our days around here have been so full lately, too. The GuitarMan has had many doctor appointments lately. We are really hoping that he will be able to get the pins out tomorrow. He still will have therapy for a while. It will be good to get the healing process over and done.

I feel so behind on the homekeeping front. First I was out of commission with the crutches. Then we have been on the go so much that I haven't been able to really roll up my shirtsleeves and get back into it. Think you don't like housework? Try being unable to do it at all. It is so frustrating!

Soccer is in full swing. We have two games a week. That isn't too bad but they are in another town and are played right around supper time. So we always have to figure out picnics and such. Last Tuesday we didn't leave there until 10:00 pm! We had the game and then picnicked at the park next to the field. Once we ate, the children played and we visited with The GuitarMan and his friends who had come up to watch the game. The next thing we knew it was time for the park to close! We typically would not stay out so late, preferring to keep the children more on schedule for bedtime. But we were all having such a nice visit that no one noticed the time.

Wednesday night the children and I were all just tired and feeling blah. So we stayed home from church. Cornbread fell asleep by 7:10 that night! If given the chance I think I could have too! Thursday night we were all sort of glad there wasn't a soccer game scheduled.

In the midst of all that, we have also been homeschooling. LadyBug feels so big since she is learning to read. It is also amazing to see how much she absorbs from her big sister. I am excited to see how much she will progress once the task of learning to read is done. Now FlowerChild would be happy if she could do nothing but read, spell, and draw, with some science, computer, and music thrown in. History she'll take, too. One thing stands between her and true happiness. Math! We just keep plugging away at it though. One day soon I expect it will suddenly click. She may never love it but hopefully she will get to a point of tolerating it. Right now we are the stage of she does it under protest LOL.

Today we took the children to McDonald's and on to Wal-Mart for groceries. Playland always gives a people-watcher like myself something to do. It didn't let me down today. This lady came in with her two children, a boy around two and a girl around four or five, along with a baby in a carrier/carseat she was babysitting. Well, she was the type who fussed constantly but that wasn't what got me. No, it was that she left the children alone in the indoor playland area to go change the baby in the bathroom. Another time the older one was left without being told, so she could take the boy to the bathroom. Yet when the baby's father arrived to pick her up, the fussing and frowns were replaced with a smile. When the woman needed to refill her drink before leaving she looked helplessly at the children, then asked him if he would mind watching them so she could step away. Grrrr. I dislike phonies. I really dislike phony caregivers who act as though they take care of children one way when it is really another. Parents are depending on them too much to be deceived that way.

On another note, I tried the Iced Mocha while I was there. I tried it because thanks to The GuitarMan my new favorite thing is a Mocha Caramel Frappucino from this little coffee shop hangout. Oh, my goodness, this will be on the table at the feast, it simply has to be! So anyway I thought how great it would be to get it at Mickey D's since those are everywhere and the little coffee shop hangout, well, isn't. Can I just tell you that some things can simply not be replaced. An iced mocha is NOT the same as a mocha caramel frappucino. Oh, no the frapp is....something to be experienced! Well, the iced mocha was an experience too but more on the unpleasant side. Blech! It looked the same but, boy, howdy, was it some more different!

Anyway I guess you could sum up my day with one word. Phonies. First the phony childcare provider. Then the phony frapp. Kind of like this world. Lots of phoniness everywhere you look. You think you might get that little taste of heaven from what the world offers. But in reality it is full of bitterness and lies. Best to skip it and go for the real truth. The real way. Christ. Only Jesus Christ cuts through all the junk of the world to offer life eternal. No deceit. No talking one way doing another. Just truth.

Well, I'm going to go read a little scripture before bed. Have a little conversation with my Lord. Enjoy the real thing.

And then I think I'm going to go count out some change so's I can enjoy a real frapp with my boy tomorrow after his appt. :)


  1. You are so busy:)
    I really have missed coming here.
    I gave up blogging completely for a while due to some personal issues (and did not want to become addicted to the internet) but I started it up again recently. I joined “Take Root and Write”, a Christian woman’s network, and have been considering the idea of putting my blog on their blog log so I started in a different spot with my real name. My name is Gina, although I now think of myself as Treany and may change it back. I am following your blog but I do not see my icon. Maybe it takes a while. My blog is at
    God bless you.

  2. Treany!!
    I'm so glad to "see" you again! How great that you are still blogging...I will pop over to your new blog and check it out. I haven't heard of that network before. I have missed your comments and reading your posts. I was hoping everything was okay. Whether you go by Gina or Treany you're always welcome here. :) God bless you, too!


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