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Hope, Faith, Trusting and Abiding

I hope this post makes sense. It's just a collection of thoughts I had in my quiet time and I thought I would share. Forgive me if it seems to ramble. how we should look to our future. It is the encouragement of knowing good things are to come. how we should live today. It is the encouragement of knowing God is at work RIGHT NOW on your behalf.

Trusting and abiding....means living in the moment with the assurance of victory.

Situations may look bleak. People may disappoint you. You may feel misunderstood in your endeavors. But all of this pales in comparison to the victory we find in Christ. It's not just a matter of getting your foot in the door of heaven. It's about allowing Him to mold you and change you for the better. Pressure hurts but it is necessary to bring about change.

We should have a hunger for discipleship so that we can look beyond those pressures to the hands that hold us. It is essential to look beyond ourselves to others and find opportunities to encourage, teach or bless. Some days it may feel like your efforts are in vain and aren't welcome. But this is when perseverance and determination join with faith.

I heard a quote yesterday from David Jeremiah that I thought was so good. He has a lot of those! This one was: No one ever said," I know what that guy's problem is! He's been encouraged way too much!"

It's sad but too many times we tear down instead of build up. Or we jump in to stir the hurts and then jump out so we can say I didn't do it! Or we just stand back and watch. Do you know what I mean? The phone calls to pass along prayer needs....but they are really just veiled gossip. The speculation of fellow Christian's problems and whether they "deserve" our help. How about the old standard? "Let me know if you need anything!" I would venture to say we've probably all been guilty of that one. But how often do people really "let us know" anything? Why not? Because if we really meant it we would have already pinpointed the need and tried to help. They shouldn't have to beg us. Ouch. As one older congregation member used to exclaim when something convicting was preached, "Oh, me, Lord!"

Hope, faith, trusting, and abiding. Hope isn't wishing. Faith isn't saying maybe one day. Trusting isn't questioning. Abiding is joining all of these to enable us to rest in Jesus despite the storms swirling around us. Let us lift each other up so that we can be strong enough to live this way! Christians, we need each other! Put aside childish pettiness and laziness! Time is short! There are hurting people, both believers and nonbelievers, that need us to step in. Strengthen yourself in the Lord so that you will have it to share!


  1. Wow. If women preached... well... I won't go there but...

    That second to the last paragraph hit me hard. You are right, the "let me know"- we usually have an idea of how to help, but for some reason think someone would ask for it. I know that I will rarely ask for help, but if it is just given to me without asking I am not turning it down! I think most of us would do the same. When the Spirit impresses something on us we should go with it not the "let me know if I can help", but do what is impressed on our hearts.

    Thanks I needed that :)

  2. Shana,
    Ha, you sound like my guys...they tease me about preaching! :)

    So glad you "got" where I was going with those thoughts and it spoke to your heart. Love ya!!


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