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Conversation is key.....

...what were you saying?

Ok, that title has absolutely nothing to do with this post. I couldn't think of anything and I saw that quote on a friend of GuitarMan's Facebook status and it made me laugh.

I can't believe this week is almost over. Time flies when everything requires hobbling! :) There have been times when I have decided a bathroom trip just wasn't worth the trouble LOL. Monday was fun. I did my Wal-Mart shopping in a wheelchair. By the time we were done, I got to be a pro at wheeling that thing around! The girls helped push a few times, too. I tried to distract them from that though after FlowerChild narrowly missed sending me flying into a beer display. Can't you just see the pastor's wife trying to explain that to the ER doctor?
"Well, doc, all I really remember was that case of beer..." LOL
But I am seeing some improvement. Although I still need the crutches I can put a little weight on my foot now. I can also get my foot into a Croc shoe.

The GuitarMan is doing well also. He isn't in so much pain now. That may change when the physical therapy begins! The doctor told him that there won't be any sedation required to remove the pins. So he was a little freaked by that! I told him I would see what I could find out online. Oh. My. Word. I guess you can find anything on YouTube. I have dial-up so I don't really know about all that. But I did manage to load some YouTube videos of people having pins removed. These people videoed themselves... in the doctor office... while he removed pins from their body... from their bones... and they're bleeding! Hello! Am I the only one that finds that a bit strange? But on the upside, now I know what to expect. So I guess their strangeness did help me out. :)

But I'm not telling The GuitarMan about the blood part until I get him in the exam room. Even then I may sugarcoat just a little bit!


  1. Oh, man -- about the pins! Eeek!

    That is so horrible that you are in a wheel chair!!! I fell down the back steps myself last Saturday. I have a weak knee that doesn't support my weight (I blew it out when I was 15). But, at least I didn't injure myself -- just a bad bruise on the other leg.

  2. Mary,
    Blogger was being goofy yesterday and wouldn't let me comment. I feel like I am being impolite when I don't answer comments LOL!
    Yeah, that'a a good way to put it about the pins - Eeek!
    I am doing ok. I just have to use the wheelchair to shop because the crutches tire me out too much! I am able to put a little weight on my foot now so I consider that an improvement!
    It is scary to fall...I am so glad you weren't hurt! I know all about the bruising. My foot and ankle are STILL black and blue!


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