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Protect Your Children!

I was in Wal-mart when I saw a little girl of about 3 go by. She was dressed in pink with blond hair and she was carrying a butterfly net. She was calling for someone repeatedly. I didn't see anyone with her so my shopping came to an abrupt halt and I took off after her. Up and down the grocery aisle she was wandering, calling out...was it Mommy? I couldn't be sure but it was obvious she was alone and vulnerable so I quickened my pace to try to catch up with her. My cell phone began to ring but I ignored it in my quest to catch up. Other shoppers glanced at her as she went by but no one made a move towards her. Most of them looked questioningly at me, obviously trying to figure out if she was mine.

Finally I managed to catch up with her. I asked if she had lost someone. She didn't answer but started to walk away. I quickly grabbed her hand and said,"Let's go find Mommy." Her little fingers relaxed in mine and we strolled towards the front of the store.

As we walked she didn't say anything. She clung trustingly to my hand. I could have walked right out the door with her, simply telling her we were going to find Mommy.

When we approached Customer Service and I told them this little girl was lost, they looked shocked. By this time she was in my arms with her little head on my shoulder. Anyone looking would have thought she was mine.

About that time a woman rushed up and grabbed the little girl from my arms. It wasn't Mommy but Granny. The little girl was with her grandparents and had wandered off.

I still shake a bit to realize how easily this precious little one could have been abducted! I am glad I took the time to run after her and reunite her with her grandparents. But it scares me how easily she trusted me.

So two points on protecting your children come from this post.

1. Do whatever it takes to keep your child with you in public.
We use a little monkey backpack that has a strap for the tail to keep up with Cornbread when he wants to walk in public. We used one for the girls when they were younger too.

I remember when The GuitarMan was little he was a "runner." He would take off and he was like a lightening bolt. You couldn't catch him! After he went missing in the mall and the staff just looked at us like we were crazy when we went to them in a panic, we invested in a toddler leash for him. (BTW, We found him hiding under a rack of clothes) People would make remarks and give ugly glances at us as though we were treating him like an animal. But we simply wanted to make sure he was safe!

2. Take the time to teach your children.
As much as we try to keep our children close they sometimes get separated from us. Too often we tell them what NOT to do and neglect to tell them what TO do. Make sure they not only know to not go off with anyone but they also know who is safe to go to. Make sure they know both parent's real names, not just Mommy or Daddy. (Don't make the assumption that they already know this information. You would be surprised.)

Children are a treasure! Do whatever you can to keep them safe!!


  1. Such a great reminder! We have the "monkey on your back" too, and it is great, and gives the peace of mind that they can't wander off,assuming you have hold of the tail :). But you are so right about telling them what to do. I am going to make a point tomorrow to remind my oldest of that also.

    As always- thanks!

  2. Shana,
    Oh I was so shaky after this happened! I just wanted to get my babies home! I talked to them right there in Wal-Mart. We had a safety class at the banana stand LOL. I told mine to not go with anyone and to head to a person at the cash register. I wasn't sure if LadyBug would understand about Customer Service especially in different stores but I knew she would understand about a cash register. The thing with her is that she is so shy I doubt she would say anything when she got there!

  3. We used a child leash when we lived in England, where it is common to use them -- the sidewalks are very narrow and full of people, and the streets choked with fast-moving traffic. I got dirty looks when I used it in the States, though. So, then I bought a Mickey Mouse hand-holder that strapped on my wrist and also my child's.

    You can't be too careful. Sometimes grandparents, if they are elderly, don't realize how dangerous things are today; they remember a safer world.

  4. Mary,
    I guess people are more aware these days because we never get any negative remarks about the monkey backpack. We had the one that went around the wrist too back when my oldest was little. Folks just didn't seem to see the need back then so we were looked at as being overprotective or strange by using a leash. The Adam Walsh incident did a lot to bring attention to an ugly reality.

  5. Suzanne,
    It scares me to death to think what could have happened!


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