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Peelin Chicken Nuggets

A friend and I were talking via email the other day about the things you do for your children. I would venture to say that extends to anyone you love really. It got me to thinking and I thought I would share my rambling thoughts with you here. Many times as moms and wives we may do things that we feel go unnoticed. But Proverbs 31 says that we will be blessed and praised for the things we do for our famillies.

We may not always feel appreciated for the things we do but we have a promise. When we are faithful in our responsibilities our family will be blessed and will rise up to bless us and praise us. But we need to be careful to not expect that praise to come all the time LOL. Sometimes there are things that we do that no one even notices needs to be done in the first place!

*Wiping out the refridgerator.
*Vaccuuming yet again.
*Vaccuuming under the couch cushions and along the crevices of the wall.
*Cleaning the ceiling fan.
*Wiping up the crumbs and spills from the countertop.
*Refilling the toilet paper!
*Scrubbing the tub.
*The toilet!
*Clean sheets
*Laundry and more laundry

But it isn't just cleaning I'm talking about.

*Kissing boo-boos.
*Disciplining as necessary. (yes, you will be blessed and praised one day!)
*Praying together.
*Cooking everyone's favorite meals or side dish...or dessert :oP
*Slipping homemade cookies in the bag for a returning college student.
*Reading a book together.
*Painting little fingernails.
*Cutting the crusts off the bread
*Peeling the breading off the chicken nuggets (for a little blond with no front teeth!)
*Coaxing just one more bite into that finicky toddler.
*Fixing Mariposa Barbie's wings....again and again
*Looking past moodiness at times.
*Ah, how about staying up all night Christmas Eve putting together toys? (Whew, the basketball goal that year was a doozie!!)

I'm sure you could add many things to these lists. We give of ourselves to better their lives. It can be easy sometimes to slip into self pity and feel used up. But when we give with a clean heart and no ulterior motives it gets returned to us. What do I mean by no ulterior motives?

Well, the cleaning for instance. Is it for your family to be comfortable or is it so you can be known as a perfect housekeeper?

Are you going through the motions or are you truly thinking of your family when you perform routine chores? Use that time to focus on each family member and pray for them. It can be done!

Laundry: Awesome time to pray over them individually
Dusting: Pray for clean hearts not only for them but for self....also a great time to pray over those allergy problems! :)
Dishes: Think on that family meal table and pray for the unity and happiness of your family
Cooking: Pray over their health

The point is life, home and family are all special gifts from God! Don't waste any of it!!!

28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


  1. Excellent post! It's amazing the things that our minds can wander off to if we don't purpose to keep them on the things of God.

  2. Oh I needed this one today!!! THANK YOU!

  3. Michele,
    Welcome and thank you! You phrased it perfectly...we must purpose to keep our minds on the things of God. Wonderful point.
    God bless you.

  4. Patty,
    I'm glad it encouraged you today!
    Be blessed!!


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