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Not So Good Day

Just a quick update. The GuitarMan has had a rough day with a lot of pain. They did a block yesterday so that when he woke up from surgery his hand was numb. It wore off about 4:00 am and he has struggled since.

On top of that we found out today that there may be big problems now with school because of too many absences since the accident. I talked with the registrar's office today and tomorrow I have to talk with the business office, his professors and the vice-president of the college. Poor thing will be totally at their mercy as far as passing, staying in school or returning next semester, and holding onto his financial aid.

Just something else to add to the stress in my life lately. As much as I love to blog, y'all don't know the half of it! :)

But we are rejoicing that the surgery went well. We are praying for quick healing and a full recovery. We are clinging to the fact that God is in control of all matters. He sees the full picture and knows exactly what we need and when we need it. (This, despite our own inclinations to find immediate rescue and relief!) When we come out on the other side of trials, we will find our spiritual muscles strengthened and our faith proven true. Thank you for lifting our family up in prayer!


  1. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I know you are very busy right now. As always, y'all are in our prayers. Thank you so much for your amazing perspective on all of this. It is a real testimony on your reliance on Christ no matter what the circumstances.

  2. We will continue to pray for everything. We stand behind you all in prayer and anything else you might need, just let us know we are here for your all. Love you all.

  3. You said it perfectly! It seems like when things aren't going right, we want to question why. A friend recently sent this quote to me..and it is so fitting here.

    Trust God where you cannot trace him. Do not try to penetrate the cloud he brings over you: rather look to the bow that is on it. The mystery is God's; the promise is yours.

    John Mac Duff 1818-1895

  4. I'm keeping him and your family in my prayers. I really think there is something big going on with God's plan. It's one of those stories you'll tell about how it was so great things happened just as they did... I do wish there wasn't so much pain though. Poor guy. :( *hugs all around!*

  5. You all are truly an encouragement to me.
    Thank you! My bloggy friends always seem to leave a note at just the right time. I really appreciate you!

  6. You are so welcome! you'll never know that you, my "bloggy" friend were a huge encouragement to me during my health crisis. I'm not so good with words but I want you to know that I pray for your family daily..and I tell my husband about this wonderful woman who didn't even know me that was being my prayer warrior and encourager! You are loved by me!

  7. Michelle,
    How awesome to know someone is praying for me and my family by name and cares. I love the fact that God can use the internet for such good! We are many miles apart physically yet can meet online. Maybe one day I will be privileged enough to meet you in person (as long as no planes are involved LOL)
    Love you, too!


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