I've been seeing a lot of blogs mentioning Fall. It seems that everyone is ready for it. Personally it is my favorite time of year! However every year at this time it seems we have unwanted visitors at our house of the slithery variety. That's right, snakes! They are on the move again this year. I mentioned last week that someone ran over a Diamondback Rattlesnake like this one out front coming from our side yard into the churchyard.

Sunday we encountered a Timber Rattler like this one out back behind the shed. He was coming from under some stuff back there across to the woods. He stopped and hung out for a while though right at the edge of the woods. We weren't able to kill it because of where he was laying so I just hope he was passing through!
Today The FisherMan killed a Copperhead like this one. He was walking home for lunch from the church and saw it coming into our yard. He went and got a shovel. When he got back someone had run over it so he finished it off.
We showed the children all three snakes so they would know what they look like and know to avoid them. They know to run get Mommy or Daddy! We have also spent a lot of time researching snakes this week. Today we watched a video of one being cleaned and cooked. It's great for science!
As much as I like you, I am never coming to visit you!!!!! Eeeeeeek! I freak out over a garden snake and won't do much gardening any more because of them. All the pretty gardens I made around my house have attracted them. Sob.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried moth balls? We dumped some of them in a nesting place for snakes, and I think it chased them out. My son thinks so, anyway. Also, somebody suggested powdered sulfur. Maybe the church could buy some and you could sprinkle it behind your shed or something.
Oh, man...Glad I live in the Dakotas. We don't get poisonous snakes east of the Missouri River.
ReplyDeleteLOL I told hubby y'all don't have poisonous snakes. He said don't y'all want some because he'll gladly send them out there!
We are surrounded by woods, with a creek below our house and an overgrown pond in the woods across from us so the snakes are inevitable I suppose. I really miss our dog Rosie as she kept them away.
Cleaning and cooking them, hmmm. Don't know about that one :0). My 80 year old neighbor always puts me to shame in all that she does, but she keeps track of the snakes she kills too. To date she has gotten 3 or 4 this year!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had to reassure FlowerChild we would not be rustling up fried Copperhead for supper LOL! She had to see hubby throw him in the woods!
Oh my goodness! When I was growing up, I always heard about the Copperheads, Cotton mouths and Water Moccasins, but I never ever ran across one. I guess I am lucky. I knew where lots of black snake nests were though. My Granny hated them and wanted to kill the black snakes but my uncles tried to make her understand they ate the rats in the barn. With the raccoons we had this summer, I am really hoping a bunch of snakes don't come crawling out of the woods behind our house. I will tell the girls to be extra careful though. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteYes, anywhere there are woods there are snakes. However we have had encounters even in the city! Although those were not poisonous I would prefer no snake encounters whatsoever!
There was a snake just inside our doors at work yesterday morning. It was just a very very small one. Maybe a foot long and about the diameter of your pinky finger and non-poisionous, but a snake non the less. That's the second one we've had inside the office in about a year's time.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, we haven't seen any at home, which surprises me with the pond and chicken houses practically in our back door!!!!
Mama Hen,
ReplyDeleteNow that would really be an excuse to not pay your bill. "I've tried but those folks keep snakes at the front desk!!"