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Who Lives There?

Do you ever get curious about the homes you pass each day? Some are perfect and tidy with neatly trimmed bushes and freshly mowed grass. Others have gorgeous flowerbeds. Some are completely neglected and give an air of despair. It makes you wonder about the people who live there.

Take a look outside our house and it is pretty obvious that a family lives here. It has nothing to do with the type of house or the location. Yet there are some dead giveaways. The laundry flapping on the line is an assortment of guys basketball shorts, big and small, little girls dresses, and men's and women's clothing. Not to mention the big, fluffy sleeping bag with the sparkly butterflies and flowers on it!

Toys are strewn across the back yard and a slip-n-slide is draped across the bench under the plum tree, just waiting for some active children to spread it on the ground. Children's pool toys spill out around a big, blue mushroom pool. (The FisherMan says that's how you can tell it's summertime in the South... all those ugly blue blowup mushrooms spring up overnight in yards! Ugly but wonderful in the heat!)

A vegetable garden decorates the back while sunflowers lean lazily against the side of the shed. A neglected flowerbed out front still manages to produce colorful blooms while a little patch of herbs gives off earthy fragrances when it is disturbed by a stray soccer ball.

A gazebo stands as the main area behind the house. No fancy patio furniture...just a well used grill, a sandbox and old chairs gathered together for visiting adorn this area. A miniature farm set is scattered amongst Barbie dolls and Polly Pockets.

It doesn't scream perfection. Instead it is Life! Activity! Love! Family! It says stop on by, you will find a comfortable chair, a glass of tea and you'll probably be invited to supper. Now we might have to clear that chair and supper probably won't be gourmet but you will be accepted as family here.

This morning in SS The FisherMan was teaching out of James on faith and works. He made the statement that the works are evidence of the faith. It made me start thinking. My wheels were turning as someone said at the Bible study last night! :) There should be evidence on the outside of who is living on the inside.

When you drive by my house you can tell who lives there. Do people who come into contact with me know who lives in me? Are there telltale signs? Is my speech strewn with references to my Savior or complaints? Do I give off an air of perfection or one of humbleness? Do I give off a peaceful joy or do I act like I am miserable? Do people have to wonder who lives in me because it just isn't quite obvious?

Oh, Lord be obvious in my life! Let there be no mistake who lives in me!

Less of me, more of Him.....


  1. Your blog never cease's to amaze me! Have you ever thought about writing professionally? I always have my husband come on here and read! Just the other day I shared with a friend your blog on the day you wrote about Brand Name Christianity. How well put..Lord let you be obvious in my life! There was a saying I came across that said:" Live in such a way that those who don't know God but know you, will come to know God because of you". I always thought that was great!

  2. Michelle,
    My husband tells me all the time that I should write a book. I tell him I don't know what I would say! I don't plan the posts so much as I just write whatever God lays on me that day. That is why some days it is more serious and some days are more lighthearted. I wonder how these bloggers do it that are very focused on one subject. I'm too scatterbrained for that! :)

    That is a cool saying. I like that!

    Thanks so much for your sweet are an encouragement! Blessings!

  3. I second what Michelle said. God has given you such a gift for making beautiful word pictures. I can literally see your backyard! I am everyday thankful for the gift God has given you.

  4. 3 Lil' Chickadees,
    Thank you!

    Ha, ha, I did not mention the trash that a raccoon or something scattered or the grass that already needs to be mowed again! :oP

  5. I had to laugh, I have the wash and that butterfuly sparkly sleeping bag hanging on the lines today:-)

  6. Suzanne,
    It sounds like we are both abundantly blessed then!! :)

  7. Your house sounds wonderful, and I agree with the above posts about what a delight your writing is.
    Sometimes I forget what is important and am tempted when someone is not so nice to me to just not be nice to them in return, or plain ignore them all together but it is good to be reminded that it is not about me. My behavior should always reflect Christ through love.

  8. Treany,
    Thank you for being so kind. Simple home, simple writing, simple life. I'm glad you are able to take something from it. :)

    I really like what you's not about me. Wow, that sums it all up, doesn't it? If we could just hold onto that thought and remember WHO it really is about I think a lot of petty self-centered behavior could be set aside in life. Not only that but when we encounter that type of behavior we would probably be better prepared to meet it in love.
    God bless!!


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