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Slow Blogging, Busy Life

It's been a slow week for blogging around here. It's been all I could do to just keep up at home LOL! Between homeschooling, sick little one, doctor visit, and just normal keeping the home duties I have been on the go. Oh, and throw in a bushel of peas that needed to be shelled and put up, whew!

With the homeschooling, well we just dive in each day and try to accomplish as much as possible. Right now we are still getting in the groove of completing seatwork and creating a routine. But I hope to start adding in some extra fun activities to enhance their learning opportunities. It's going well and it's pretty neat to see the younger ones absorbing what the older ones do. For instance, you haven't seen cute until you see a 15 month old stop what he is doing and come stand with his hand over his heart as the pledge of allegiance is done!

Speaking of Cornbread he is still improving. He is still not himself but he is better. The rash has faded this morning. He is drinking better now and eating a little more. He is still nursing much more than normal and his sleep is off. Hopefully it will all balance out to normal over the next few days.

As for housekeeping duties, well something has to give! :oD

I am behind on laundry but did a lot of it last night after the children were asleep and hope to catch up today and tomorrow. Having two girls who are in an artistic phase right now as well as a little guy who thinks he should be in the middle of everything doesn't make it any easier when it comes to keeping things clean. I wish I could be one of those "can't sleep if there are dirty dishes in the sink" type people but I'm afraid I have succumbed to fatigue this week! I'm left feeling as though perhaps those folks just do not have as full a plate as I do! But it shouldn't take me too long to run through the house and play catch up.

I am working on revamping my schedule since we have stepped up the homeschooling. LadyBug is learning to read and we are also working more fomally now on her handwriting. The alphabet at this point is mainly just a matter of neatness and proper formation as well as remembering to go from left to right (she is left handed and tends to forget) but she still has trouble forming numerals. We are working on mastering certain math skills with FlowerChild right now. She still has to "figure it up" and I want it to come naturally to her. She has trouble seeing the numbers in her head though so she has to try harder. I have always found that to be the case though. People tend to be either literary or mathematically minded. It's not that you can't do both but one tends to come easier than the other. Obviously that isn't all we are doing with either child but those are just some things we are focusing in on.

Anyhow I got off topic....schedule. Working on it. I'll let you know when it's looking good and how it comes together! :)

The FisherMan and I just kept plugging away on it as we were able and eventually got the shelling done. He was kind enough to get the peas blanched and put up last night while I was putting the children to bed. Have you ever seen a Black Crowder pea? That's what these are and they are downright pretty. I hope they will taste as good as they look! Also in that line of thinking...have you ever seen a lemon cucumber? We grew those this year in our garden. If I get the chance I'll try to take a picture. We always try each year to grow something a little different. One year it was white eggplant, another purple bell peppers, etc

Ah, well, breaktime is over! Gotta get back to it now. Have a blessed day!!


  1. Are you using Heart of Dakota? I'm asking because I'm still dragging my feet. I have a fourth, sixth and K and pre-k. I 'm pretty sure I want something like switched on schoolhouse because of the the grading being done..although, we have a Mac and it's not compatible with that. So now I'm back at square one. I love the IDEA of HOD..just don't know how the work load is for myself with having to teach 4 different grade levels. Just was wondering what you were thinking of thus far? Thanks!

  2. Hey, Michelle!
    I really want to use HOD but I haven't placed an order yet. I am not sure that I could combine my two successfully just yet since my younger daughter is not reading on her own yet. But that is definitely my goal for the future.

    So I am thinking about just ordering BLHFHG and letting my youngest tag along with it. I am using Rod and Staff and then a separate Reading program with her anyway so it wouldn't hurt for her to just join in on the reading , etc. Also I am not so sure about using the Singapore. What do you think about that? I still lean more toward Horizons.

    As for the workload aspect could you possibly combine your pre-k and K together using either LHTH or LHFHG and the 4th and 6th graders together using PHFHG so that you only had two curriculums to deal with? Obviously the Math might be different for your older two but do you think it might work?

    I think teaching the pre-K and K together would be extremely easy. The 4th and 6th graders would take a little more thought, just depending on their abilities, but I think you could swing it. Have you homeschooled them all along?

    Now we used SOS for a year and it was okay but it got boring for my son. BTW, I had no idea it wasn't compatible with Mac. Just me personally, I wouldn't go back to it unless it was for just one subject or something. It would probably be great for that.

    This is when we need instant messaging...I'm feeling chatty and would love to talk homeschool. Meanwhile hubby is over here in the recliner shelling peas and watching a logging show on TV. He is SO not talking homeschool tonight LOL!

  3. Hi Sophie
    Welcome! Spicy eggplant, now that sounds good! I fried some last night to go with fresh peas and cornbread. I will have to check that link out. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. It is hard to get in that routine, I am there too. Will keep you in prayers and Cornbread also. Bless his heart, it is so pityful when those little ones are sick and can't tell you what is wrong. Praying you have a relaxing weekend- sounds like you need one!

  5. Shana,
    Relaxation? Ha, ha what is that?
    Yes, I hate when my little ones are sick. Actually I have discovered even when they are 19 I still hate it when they are sick! But it is especially hard when they can not tell you where they feel bad. Hopefully he will get back to normal very soon - I see a little improvement each day! :)


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