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Ready for Boring!

Have you had a monotonous week? Same old, same old? Went to work or school or took care of the children? Did some laundry? Watched a little TV, maybe even a movie?

Rejoice! Take joy in that boring routine because it means life might have been full of sameness but it was LIFE!

Monday was a normal day when I got up. I was still sick but the fever was gone so I pushed and tried to get the necessities done. Went through the chore of getting the bills done, dressing the children and getting them fed, etc. All the things a normal day holds. We had a lot of errands to run so our afternoon was full. The children were cranky which made tired, headache riddled Mama cranky, too.

But all that was out the window when I got the call about The GuitarMan. Since that night my mind has constantly returned to what COULD have happened and didn't because God protected him. I have said thank you over and over.

It was so good to see him yesterday. He is pushing through and staying in school despite how he is feeling. I'm sure he will push through and try to have some fun this weekend too! As much as I would love to have had him home so I could take care of him I am also thankful he has good friends who are looking after him. It's also good that he is alive! He is able to get back to normal life. Classes. Chapel. Homework. Church. Hanging out down at the dock at the lake on campus. Going to Waffle House. Friday night ballgames.

As for me I am ready for boring! Give me some monotony for a while! Stick me in that rut! I'm just hoping that rut isn't more valley LOL! So I am going to go wash some dishes. Do a little laundry. I'm going to cook supper. I think we'll have some comfort food! I'm going to take my children outside to play. And I am going to thank God for the chance to do it all to His glory.


  1. Funny, I just was telling my husband close to the same thing! Since my health concern came up, I feel like everything is on hold, nothing is the same. I see the holiday stuff out at Costco, which is something I usually get excited about, but feel like I can't because I don't know what this season holds for me. I want to go back to the days where everything was normal, doing laundry, making dinner, teaching the kids. Good ole monotany! you don't realize how blessed those day's are until your life goes from quiet to chaos.

    Praise God your son escaped with his life! I'll take boring again ANY DAY!!

  2. Michelle,
    It's the small things in life that make it worthwhile. The good solid memories are usually simple things. Have you ever had a smell or a song take you back?

    For now, as hard as it is, try not to put life on hold. Cancer is a terrible thing. But you could die from something totally unrelated before you even get your diagnosis! Don't waste a minute!! Enjoy every moment with that beautiful family of yours.

    Tomorrow ,if possible, play outside with the children, flirt with your husband, dance in the sprinkler, and cook a fabulous meal. Sunday, go worship the Savior, eat something fattening for lunch, and take a long nap. Everything is a gift from God. Treasure it! Blessings!!

  3. Yes, there is certainly a lot to be said for boring! It usually means that everything is ok. Glad your son will be ok and things are going well.

  4. Thanks Mary,
    Sort of like that saying, "No news is good news". I have just reveled in being at home today attending to mundane little chores!


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