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Praising God, Asking for Your Prayers

It is 3:15 AM here and we just got home. Tonight we got the phone call every parent fears. When I saw The GuitarMan's number pop up I figured he was calling to see if I had ordered the new Skillet CD he wanted. But instead of his voice on the other end it was his roommate's. Brakes locked up. Telephone pole. Hospital.

We are praising God that he knew what to do and avoided flipping. His brakes locked up and he slid into a telephone pole. He was able to get it slowed enough so it was not a hard hit. We are praising God because none of the other passengers were hurt. Unfortunately the GuitarMan was injured. His left hand wound up pinned between the pole and his vehicle. This is not what you want to have happen to a guitarist, obviously. But at this point they are saying it is fractured in 4 or 5 places. If he had been going any faster we could have been talking devastating injuries! God is good!

I am asking you to please pray over this situation. For tonight he is in a tight splint from his fingers to his elbow. He is in pain despite the medication. Tomorrow they plan to do more. Please pray that the orthopedic doctors will give the correct diagnosis and treatment so that he will heal properly and regain complete use of his hands and fingers without the stiffness and pain that is often associated with these injuries. For those of you that do not know him personally, he is an amazing guitarist. This is going to have a major impact on his classes, his work at his church, and scheduled concerts for his band, not to mention the financial implications of everything. Please just bathe it all in prayer. Our family appreciates it so much!


  1. We are praying for the Guitarman, ya'll and all the needs be met in God's will. Call us if you need anything. We are here for all of ya'll, keep us posted. We love you all.

  2. Country Life Girl
    Thank you! Love ya'll too

  3. Oh my heart dropped when I started reading your post. We just feel so close to you and your family and hate to see anything bad happen to any of ya'll. We'll be praying for Guitarman and for the rest of the family. I know it's put a strain on everyone.

  4. When it rains it pours, doesn't it? I am SO Sorry! I'm sure he is probably so upset because of his love of guitar playing, but, at least you are able to see how good God is because it could have been so much worse! HE SAVED your son! Praise God! We will be praying for your son and your family! Just remind him that every aspect of his life is in God's hands and even something like this he will make something good come from!

  5. You all will be in our prayers- constantly.

  6. Mama Hen,
    We love ya'll, too. Thank you!

  7. Michelle,
    Ain't that the truth?!
    Thanks so much. Yes, we are definitely praising God through the storm, that's for sure. There is a perfect dent the size and shape of his hand in the side of his vehicle in the section between the doors. It gave me shivers every time I looked at it last night. Just knowing that this hand I kissed as a baby, held as a child, the hand that played cars and baseball, and now so beautifully plays praises to our King...this same hand could have been totally crushed or worse. Then when I saw how close it was to his head,well, I don't have to tell you!
    There is no doubt that God protected Him and saved him for a purpose. He will use this for good. Glory to God!

  8. Praying for a complete healing. Oh those phone calls! My husband and son are both guitar players--I can't imagine, but PTL he will play again!


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