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More Sickness Around Here :(

Just wanted to let folks know where I was. This time it is Mama who is sick. Not sure what is going on other than I am miserable! It began with a backache yesterday which gradually spread to muscle aches all over. Then I started running fever last night. Today it has stayed 100-101 degrees all day despite taking tylenol every 4 hours. The muscle aches are still here and now the chills have also begun.

It's hard to believe that I would have Roseola. But that is the only thing I know for sure I have been exposed to. Most people have it as an infant/toddler and if not, they develop antibodies by 4 years of age. Adult roseola is quite rare. As many years as I have spent working in early childhood, children's ministry, not to mention having 4 children of my own, I would think I would be immune. Oh, well, I guess time will tell. But if this what it feels like to a little one, poor baby!

In the meantime, hubby grabbed burgers for lunch and grilled chicken for supper. I thought we would have enough leftovers to go with it so I wouldn't have to cook. But I wound up fixing some mac and cheese to stretch it for the children. That was the longest 7 minutes cooking the pasta! I was freezing and aching, just so ready to go climb under a blanket LOL! But that is where I am now. I am wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket.Cornbread is in my lap going to sleep. The girls will go down any minute now. The GuitarMan just left. Oh, yeah, bedtime here I come!


  1. Praying you feel better. Mama you know you can't get sick, it's against the law :)

  2. Thanks, Shana
    I feel a little bit better today. The fever climbed last night but is better this morning. That in itself helps. I have WAY too much to do to include time for sickness!

  3. Oh, I didn't know adults could get roseola! When adults get these childhood diseases it can be quite bad. Hope you are all better soon.

  4. Civilla,
    Thank you, I hope it is better soon too! I didn't have fever all day today but I felt bad. Now the fever is back. Arghh. I don't know if it is roseola or not. I am sort of assuming based on the symptoms and Cornbread being sick. We'll see what happens when the fever really breaks. I suppose it could be flu but I associate that with cold symptoms in addition to the fever and muscle aches. I don't know of anyone who has been sick with it.

  5. I hope you fee better soon. Praying it's not the flu!!! A local school has been plagued (not all h1n1 flu). Missed you at church yesterday. Had no clue where you left off of the story, so we winged it with Balaam's
    Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and all can shake whatever is going around!!!

    Love ya'll!!!

  6. We are praying for you that you and the family feel better soon. We love ya'll lots.


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