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Shopping + Children = Joy?

Life with children means activity at all times and today was no exception. The FlowerChild began Vacation Bible School at a church in a neighboring town this morning. She was so excited! VBS is probably her favorite part of summer and she usually likes to take advantage of it several times at various churches. To quote her: "VBS rocks!!" This one is Polar Express. Last night she was just bubbling and could not settle down to go to sleep. It didn't help that her older brother and his friend were here packing him up for another mission trip. So it was probably 10:30 before she finally gave it up. Then she woke up at 5:45 this morning with the words, "Is it time, Mama?"

Well, we picked her up afterwards and headed to the big city since we were almost there anyway. Had a bite of lunch and headed to Wal-Mart. Now I have told you about this love-hate thing I've got going with this store. Part of me knows this is the least expensive option. I am also very thankful for the privilege of shopping to feed my family. But if you've never gone shopping with 3 young children, especially if one happens to be exhausted, another is upset because the exhausted one was gone all morning, and the third has not had an afternoon nap....well you just haven't lived!

The FisherMan very kindly offered to take them so I could shop. But after a few minutes he called, "Where are you?"
"I'm in the baby section, hon. Why?"
"We're coming to find you, It's gonna take both of us today!"

I should have known by his admitting defeat that this trip would be a ....hmmm.....challenge? Ordeal? Nightmare? Oh, my goodness! You know how people's temperaments are different? Some are hot-tempered, some hold a grudge, etc Well, I have described FlowerChild as being like a summer afternoon. She is warm and sweet but occasionally it flares into a thunderstorm. But after a few minutes it blows over and you would never even notice it stormed. Well, y'all, that thunderstorm produced a tornado today! LOL She was so tired and it caught up, poor baby. But after a good cry she was back to herself and laughing like always. It helped that her tears weren't the only, ahem, moisture present. The FisherMan was holding Cornbread and thought he felt mighty warm. Then he thought, "Oh, no!" .......Oh, yes! Let's just say the diaper wasn't up to the challenge either. I tried to be supportive through my laughter!

A few minutes after all this I wound up in conversation with an older gentleman. He pointed out all my help and said how much he missed that. He has 2 grown children and no grandchildren. We had a pleasant conversation and it was a fresh reminder to take joy in today. Not everything is particularly joyful. Bills due, groceries and gas too high, tired children, tantrums, wet can be stressful. But all my stress is because I have been so overwhelmingly blessed with people who need me. One day I may be shopping alone wistfully watching a young family as they make their way through the store. One day I may be missing these times.
So I will take joy in my life just as it is.
I will be content in my life just as it is.
I truly am happy with my peacefully chaotic life. :)


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I miss Wal-Mmart, nothing here compares. Your story of shopping with your children brings back happy memories of my own. :-)

  2. Treany,
    I enjoyed your blog!
    Oh, I can just imagine it must be very different! You should share about would make a great blog post! :)


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