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Revealed: Christianity or Hypocrisy?

What is one of the main complaints you hear from unbelievers about Christians? I don't know about you, but the one I hear all the time is, "They're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites." It can be a struggle sometimes in life to make sure you protect your witness and keep your testimony shining. The enemy loves to tear you down so he can accuse you. It can be the smallest of details but if someone is observing closely enough they will find something to throw at you. Sadly it isn't always the small stuff with some Christians. Everyone is struggling with something in life. Christians just happen to be saved from the sin of it. Salvation doesn't just wipe the struggle away, at least not all the time anyway.

But when you come down to it, as a Christian, you can expect some level of persecution or misunderstanding from people who don't know Jesus. After all, how are they to understand if they haven't experienced it for themselves? So I don't worry over that so much. No, the thing that can be discouraging, heartbreaking in fact, is when Christians turn on each other. Now it is Biblical for us to hold each other accountable and admonish each other when necessary. However, we shouldn't carry it to the point of becoming judge and jury.

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me remove the speck from your eye; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Matthew 7:1-5

But that is exactly what many people are doing. I guess for some it makes them feel superior to point fingers and say, "Well, at least I'm not doing that!" or "At least I do this!" "You SHOULD be living this way!" "You believe WHAT?!"

Is it a jealous rivalry to see who is the better Christian? I just can't figure it out. It breaks my heart to see it in our churches. Yet there it is in churches everywhere. So many times it has nothing to do with the lost, nothing to do with true ministry, nothing to do with bringing glory to Jesus name! Instead it comes down to pettiness, insecurity, or just plain old gotta be right. People don't like someone or they don't get something their way so they do one of two things. They either lash out and run around talking trash about Christian brothers and sisters. Or they puff up and refuse to attend worship or help out with programs in the church. Sometimes they do both. Then when that brother or sister in Christ makes a mistake they are quick to say, "Well, I KNEW he/she wasn't really saved!" If a program in the church fails they are quick to say, "See! I TOLD you it wouldn't work!" Yet they never did a thing to help that person in their weakness. They never did a thing to help the church, instead taking joy and pride in seeing something fail. And what does it prove? Who wins? The better question is....who loses? The lost are left in the darkness. The lost that WE are called to lead to Christ! Just so someone can say, "I was right!"

The church is the bride of Christ. The church is to be unblemished and pure. The church is made up of all Christians. People, what are we doing to Christ's church? When we turn on each other and try to tear each other down, try to tear down the institution of church, we are soiling the bride of Christ! We are called to keep it holy.

I have also noticed it in the blogging world. If you disagree with someone just go to their comment section and fire off a heated reply to their post, being sure to include plenty of sarcasm. If that doesn't dissolve your anger you can run around to the other blogs and talk about it.

I had a friend experience this very thing this week. And it hurt her. It caused her to question whether she even had anything worthy to offer other women. This is a wonderful Godly woman who is full of wisdom. She has been married many years, raised her children, kept the home and is a beautiful picture of a Titus 2 teacher. Yet here she was wondering, all because of hurtful things a Christian had said.

There are even blogs set up for the specific purpose of making fun of another blogger and picking apart everything he/she says in a post. Even if you strongly disagree, is that truly how Jesus says to handle it? I can't help but feel that Jesus would not say for us as His followers to behave in an ungodly way to fight ungodliness.

I guess folks sometimes forget that there are real people behind the blogs and forums. When you criticize someone's faith or lack thereof, their beliefs, their choices or mistakes it is a real person you are attacking. I wonder if people would be so inclined to hurl unkind words if this were say, their next door neighbor, a friend's relative, or even the person at the checkout. We usually aren't quite so bold when we have to face the person.

I want to implore you as a follower of Christ to search your heart. If you find that perhaps there is bitterness towards a fellow believer, please do not allow it to continue. Cast it out! Repent! If you disagree with someone, fine. But don't use that as an excuse to attack them and rip them apart. If you dislike the way something is being done in your church, fine. If it's unbiblical, stand up against it. But if it's simply not the way you would like it, please don't try to undermine your church. Let me rephrase that. Do not undermine CHRIST'S church!

And yes, when we run around making snide remarks and refusing to take part, we are going against Jesus Christ Himself. When we do our best to put down a fellow brother or sister in Christ or make them look foolish, we are going against Jesus Christ. (In real life or in blogland)
If we find ourselves guilty of these things, we just made our desires, our pride, our flesh more important than anything Jesus ever taught us about how to live.

Have you ever thought about that? We need to ALL realize it and take it seriously. Time is short. With each choice we make, we are revealing the depths of our heart, whether it be Christianity or hypocrisy.

I truly believe we simply don't have the time to play these silly games.


  1. It's amazing the things that Christians will do that only succeed in tearing each other apart. The one thing we all need to remember is that we are all only human. We may be more spiritual than some people...but we are still only human...therefore we will do wrong...and none of us is exempt from that.

  2. Kris,
    That's right. We are human and that comes with weaknesses, strengths, warts and beauty. When we get to the point we can use it all for God's glory rather than our own then we will be making strides in the right direction!

  3. I'm new to blogging, and have to say I've never come across such things on blogs, but hate when it happens in real life. People, especially women can be cruel and it hurts more from someone you trust as sister in Christ. I agree it is wrong. We should focus on our purpose, to glorify God, and live for him. If we do so we will not care about petty things, and love others. God bless you.

  4. Treany,
    There are many wonderful blogs out there with some truly precious people behind them. Those kinds of blogs challenge you and teach you. But sadly there are some out there that do nothing to bring out the best in a person and can be very hurtful.
    Yes, if we all focus on glorifying God in all we do, then we will think twice before speaking (or typing!)
    God bless you, too!


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