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My Mysterious Man

My husband and I are coming up on our 25th wedding anniversary the 29th of this month. (Incidentally our oldest son shares the day with his 19th birthday.) It takes a lot to keep a marriage running happily. Some people say it is a lot of work. I suppose for some it is so I must be abundantly blessed because I always seem to find my rest there. There is no magic key for happiness but I have found that two things make up a part of finding it. Laughter and spontaneity. Yesterday I experienced both thanks to my crazy husband.

We bought the girls a bug viewer cage and 2 butterfly nets. Yesterday afternoon we got outside with them and they wanted Daddy to help them catch a butterfly. Well, my husband is nothing if not competitive so off they went around the yard with Mama ready with the camera. I wasn't disappointed. I am now the proud owner of a picture of him scaling the rows of peas in the garden after a little blue butterfly. At that point I thought this is too good so I switched to video. From there it got hilarious. Just because he is a preacher does not mean he can't have a good time! (I'm sure that is no surprise to his congregation!)

That crazy thing went running all over the yard with a purple butterfly net. (by now he had just flat taken one of the girl's nets in his quest to conquer the butterfly) He finally caught one and was so proud. The next thing I knew we were off again. When he stopped for a breath the neighbor's dog who prefers to reside here joined him. So began an impromptu Billy Mays style infomercial for a rental dog complete with sprinkling winkie. (naturally I failed to catch this moment for all posterity as I thought the camera was videoing but evidentally not....and it was one of those moments that will probably never return!) But I did manage to catch him on the ground wallering on his back beside the dog in an attempt to see just what was so thrilling about that. He decided it was a great stress reliever after all. I know from my view it sure was because I was rolling with laughter, tears coming down my face! Laughter is the best medicine!

So I guess you could say our marriage is still filled with mystery as I definitely never know what my man is going to say or do next! Laugh with your husband. Play together. Enjoy each other. Your children and grandchildren will love it. They feel secure when they see you love each other.


  1. Hey there!! You know what the crazy part is? I can see your crazy husband doing something like that....LOL I'll bet the the kids got a kick out of it too. I love it!!! I miss you and the rest of your wonderful family soooo much.. Give the kids some LOVE for me. GG - Big Livs Mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. GG,
    LOLOLOL I had no idea it was you! I tried to view the picture on your profile but just could not see it clearly enough and did not even know where this new follower was from! Duh! :)
    We miss y'all too. We were just talking about you a couple of days ago. We need to all get together again real soon. We enjoyed it so much last time! Love y'all!!

  4. He-he! That was cute! Congratulations on your anniversary, BTW!

    Oh, Lady Lydia wants to know if she can link to your post on Silly or Discerning? I'll give yer your link so she can get to your blog and read the post and possibly link to it. Ok? I left you an e-mail about this.

  5. Mary,
    Thank you!

    By all means, that is fine for you to pass it on to Lady Lydia. I think very highly of her!

  6. He should have called Papa Rooster. Can't you just see the two of them...ROFL....
    Papa Rooster has his day coming.
    Wow! 25! What a milestone! Marriage isn't work, but more of an adventure. Not always easy, but well worth the journey!!!
    Congrats to you two!!!

  7. Mama Hen,
    If Papa Rooster ever gets out there with a butterfly net, call me! I'll be there with video camera in hand!
    Thanks for the congrats!

  8. i absolutely LOVE this!! you are such a wonderful person. and i just cracked up reading this! he is so crazy. and i hope you guys have a completely wonderful anniversary. ill try to give you guys a call. its in my calender! ;) lol (the anniversary..not the call) haha

  9. Angela,
    You know how our house NEVER know what will happen next!! Love ya, sweetie! :)


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