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Tired in a Good Way

It's a pleasant night. The girls are still awake but they are playing quietly in their room. A Braves game is on which makes for relaxing "background music." Cornbread is going to sleep in my lap as I type.

I'm just tired enough to feel contented but not exhausted. Do you know what I mean? I am tired but satisfied with a good, hard day of work. There was a lot to be done around here and much was completed. But it wasn't one of those frantic, go, go , go days either.

As I washed up breakfast dishes I noticed two little birds hard at work outside my window. So we watched them build their nest all morning. They are are on a shelf on my carport! At our last house we had bird nests every year on our porch and we all enjoyed watching the little babies.

Homeschool started out as always with Bible. The girls have had a lot of questions this week! I love the fact that we can linger on those questions as long as necessary. Even if they were in a Christian school they would be subject to everyone else's needs and schedules.

Today I let FlowerChild decide what order she wanted to do her school subjects in. To my surprise she wanted to do every subject! The history lesson dealt with martyrdom for Christ. Quite a big topic for one so young! I'm still not sure if she understands it. How do you explain such a thing to a child without making them afraid to serve Him? I think focusing on His love is the key. There is so much going on in our world now, in our country for that matter, that we can't, we must not, shy away from the tough topics. Our children must be grounded and well taught in such a way that it is more than book knowledge. They have to be able to live it out. Not an easy undertaking!

She whizzed through her reading. This little reading book is cute. The stories are very family centered. The group of stories she is reading right now are all about a family taking a vacation. It shows different places around the US and brings in camping stories. No Disney trips or fancy hotel spas! Her phonics pages were quick today too along with a spelling test.

We are about done with her science. I have got to get those Nature readers ordered! This child amazes me! She retains everything we read in Science and will recount every detail to her daddy. Living books will definitely be the way to go for her! I want to look into Opologia Science too. I thought that was just for junior high/high school. I just found out it can be used for elementary grades, too! I have heard so many good things about it!

She opted to do Math last. I don't know if that was such a good idea since she had trouble with attention...she was ready for lunch! She is learning about money right now along with other things. She hasn't had any problem with it but today she was in a fog. So that tells me math has to come immediately after snack LOL!

I managed to get the carpets cleaned today along with dusting and general cleaning up. I even scrubbed my bathroom floor by hand! Ok so it is the size of a closet, but still! :) My house is smelling so good! Nice clean floors, a clean bathroom and kitchen...oh and have you tried the Glade Fabric and Air Freshener? It's a little cheaper than Fabreeze. I bought some tropical mist scent and it is very long lasting.

We roasted a chicken for supper. I have dubbed it Standing Ovation Chicken. Oh. So. Good. After supper we went outside and sat in the gazebo just visiting. And listening to the bug zapper, of course. :)


Well, as I was writing this last night I had to stop as my hubby wanted me to watch tv with him and my precious girls wanted to rock. Family above computer! Not a hard choice at all. I wanted to elaborate a little on what I said about being tired but contented.

Work should be a reminder of God's blessings of provision and health. Being tired doesn't automatically have to make you feel bad and be grouchy. But too often we use fatigue as an excuse to behave badly. We stomp around sighing and snapping at our loved ones with perhaps a bit of "cabinet cussin" thrown in. (That's where you slam the cabinet doors and throw things down in frustration) When they finally get up the nerve to ask what is wrong or if we are okay they are met with the classic "Nothing. I'm just tired."

Today I challenge you to find God' s blessings in your circumstances. Maybe your job isn't all you would like it to be. Maybe the new has worn off of "playing house" and you feel overwhelmed by everything and everyone awaiting your attention. Look for God's presence in your employment. What exactly are you unhappy with? Is this a prompting from the Spirit to look elsewhere? Or is it discontentment on your part due to a lack of thankfulness, an envious streak, or a failure to fully do what God has you there to do? In the home, are you approaching your work with a resigned, poor me attitude? Or is yours one of joyful service?

Much of our happiness can be traced to our level of thankfulness. Are your words blessing or cursing? I'm not talking about the whole name-it-and-claim-it deal. But I want you to try something. Praise God out loud. Go ahead! Right now, out loud, speak out praises! Now simultaneously I want you to complain. Give it a go, let out all that bitterness. Can't do it, can you?

My point is that what comes out is very much a choice. Stop feeding your heart bitter, complaining, self-absorbent thoughts. That is what will grow and flourish in your very soul until it spills out on everyone you love. Feed your heart good, sweet, wholesome thoughts from the truthful Word.

How do I do it, you ask? Well, it is not enough to just read your Bible or say a prayer. Knowing the words, backward and forward won't help you unless you include action with the knowledge. You have to make it a part of you. You can sit down to a wonderful meal and see it, smell it and talk over it. But you must eat in order to obtain the nourishment. Action is a part of it, right? So it is with obtaining nourishment from the Bible. You have to take it in and live it out. A good hint that maybe you haven't taken in the nourishment is when your bad moods outweigh the good.

So there you have it. Plain, honest talk on tiredness and attitudes from someone who doesn't claim to have reached the prize on this topic but is sure trying with the rest of you! And now I need to lay Cornbread down and get going on a beautiful day! Have a blessed one!


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