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Books ARE Life!

For everything and everyone in life, it seems you can readily find a parallel in books. I suppose that is fitting because most authors of fiction will gladly admit that life itself is their greatest inspiration. Whatever the personality, whatever the lifestyle, whatever the can be found in a book.

Little boys fancy themselves to be Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn. They might picture themselves smack in the middle of Robinson Crusoe. Adventure is the name of the game. Girls may see themselves in the characters that Louisa May Alcott or Jane Austen conjured up. Who hasn't lost themselves in a book whether it be Heidi, Gone With the Wind or Wuthering Heights? Of course, we can't forget the Little House on the Prairie series. There are so many classics to compare your own life to!

Wondering which book or author seems to capture the essence of my life? Well, actually it isn't any of those listed above although it is a classic. You may be surprised to know that the book I most often compare my life with is indeed a children's book. Have you ever heard of the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Joffe Numeroff? If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. If you give him the milk, he's probably going to ask for a straw.....

Well, let me give you an example of a typical event in my life. It all started when we wanted to grill hamburgers for lunch but we needed hamburger buns.

Saturday The GuitarMan was going to meet friends in the big city and go to a concert. Rather than come all the way back home late that night then have to get up early to get to his church the next morning he opted for crashing on the couch at a friend's that night. So he got everything packed....clothes, toiletries, instruments, etc. He hit the road at 12 to go meet his friends. He would not be back until mid-afternoon the next day.

We left about 5 minutes later to head to town for hamburger buns. We were almost there when it hit like a ton of bricks. The GuitarMan had the debit card! And we had no cash! Worse, we were headed in opposite directions! So we called him and decided to try to intercept him in a neighboring town. Hungry children. Dressed like...well, like it was Saturday! Not even a diaper bag! We were almost there when we got the call. "I forgot my concert ticket! Can you go by and get it on your way?"

Well, of course, this required us turning around and going all the way back home. Because we live in the country and home was nowhere close to being "on our way." Nonetheless went home. Got the ticket. Got snacks. Got a diaper bag. Looked in the mirror, decided it wasn't worth it. Needed gas. Put some gas in from our supply for the lawnmower.

Had to go all the way to the big city to give him the ticket and get our card. Ate some chicken with him and his friends. Got more gas. Got home. Cooked supper. More chicken. BBQ this time.

Sigh. I don't know why I stay so tired!

This morning we thought it would be nice to grill hamburgers for lunch. But we didn't have any hamburger buns......

P.S. I have very fond memories of this book. I once had a little boy in my classroom who was very, very troubled. He suffered with anger problems, autistic behaviors, other learning disabilities and abuse within the home. Nap time each day meant facing a huge ordeal as he literally could not relax his body and the quiet of the building only served to increase his anxious hyperactivity. If he managed to go to sleep he often awoke in terror. This book was a lifesaver! It soothed him in a way that nothing else would. No other book or activity had the same effect. I would read it to him over and over every day during rest time. It was the one time of day that he would allow me to hold him close. It was because of this book that I made many strides and breakthroughs with him.

If you have never shared this book with your children then you have missed a fun treat! Run by the library and get it. Just don't make plans to grill hamburgers and you should be okay. :o)


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