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Blessed to be Busy

It's a busy day I have planned today so I thought I would hop on for a quick post while things are relatively quiet. I've only had 3 interruptions since I got online! I posted Sunday but afterwards we had a scare. Just before time to go back to church our dog, Rosie, was bitten on the nose by a snake. Her head swelled to a huge proportion! Poor thing, her nose even split a little at the site of the bite due to the swelling. But she ate and played normally, happy as a lark. By the next day the swelling was greatly reduced and the split was even beginning to heal. Now she just has a little lump at the site with a small white line across it. The FisherMan said he had always heard if a dog has dewclaws that they are more resistant to snakebite. The old wives tales can sometimes be just that, tales. But there are some that have an element of truth to them. How about you? Have you ever heard that one?

Yesterday Cornbread had his one year checkup. He was a stout little guy with wide shoulders when he was younger but he has turned into a wiry little guy who is all muscle (Hmmm, sort of like his big brother!). He weighs 19.6 pounds. I don't wonder that he weighs so little. He is on the go all the time! He can take a few steps but refuses to walk very far since he knows how much faster he can get to his destination if he crawls!

While we were there we asked the doctor to just take a listen to LadyBug's chest. Most coughs develop after the nasal congestion has begun, usually due to allergy or cold. She developed a cough out of nowhere a couple of days ago and it sounds a bit concerning. It isn't one of those dry hacky type coughs that result from a tickle in the throat. Instead it is a deep, wet cough that lasts for a while. I am so glad we did ask, because when he checked he found that she had bronchitis! This time last year she had pneumonia but we caught it so early that it did not have a chance to really set in. I am afraid we would have been facing the same thing had we not "followed our gut feeling" again. Even though she started medicene yesterday the cough is worse today. I think the dr office would have been graced with our presence two days in a row! I am thankful for our pediatrician!

Now that the weather is so nice we find ourselves outside at the gazebo, commonly referred to as "the manhut" much more frequently. Yesterday after we got back from the doctor we spent some time out there again. The Fisherman puttered in the garden and the children played on the driveway with their 'cook stuff.' The GuitarMan brought his electric guitar and amp out there and serenaded us. I think the FisherMan's hair may be a little thinner now LOL! (And yes, I told you we live in the country....good thing!) We grilled for supper thus squeezing a few more minutes of the day spent outdoors.

Well, I have to get to that full day I mentioned. Of course, homeschooling needs to be finished. The laundry fairy has still not opted to visit my house, though she has a standing invitation! I will confess there are still groceries to be put away, too. The children needed to be put to bed when we got in from the store so only the cold items were put away. The rest of it is sitting in happy little piles around the countertops or still tucked in plastic bags. General cleaning is always on the list! In the midst of all that meals must be cooked and dishes washed.

Since I was on the go for the last 2 days it would be easy to get discouraged at all the things waiting for my attention. Can you say "Overwhelmed???!!!!" But better to take a step back and take it one thing at a time with plenty of time thrown in for hugs and kisses, smiles and laughter. And of course, with a little one who had shots yesterday and one who is sick, snuggling in the rocker! It's thanks to the blessings in my life that I stay so busy!


  1. Well your days sound like me over here on this coast. It's 9:00 straight up and I'm avoiding every task in the book. I just ask my little one..."Do you want to go to the zoo?" -( So I could avoid school and just play with them.) He said no!....It's too cold for the beach here we come...I might as well do some laundry...ugghhh Have a blessed day.

  2. Lorrie,
    Homes can be different yet so much the same! I miss living close to the's probably a very good thing I don't have that distraction!

  3. Found your blog while perusing blog catalog. I absolutely adore it...stop by and check mine out...

  4. Kris,
    Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely drop by your place. :)


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