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Work Together, Play Together, Eat Together

We spent a good portion of the day outside yesterday. I could tell it was going to be one of those days that FlowerChild would need some extra movement!

So we started our outside portion of the day by cleaning up the mess a pack of wild dogs made when they got in our trash. It was scattered throughout the yard just everywhere! There was no need in the FisherMan having to face that when he came home. We made short work of it by seeing whose bag would fill up first. (FlowerChild's idea, not Mama being sneaky, I promise!)

Then we played soccer. It was a good way to emphasize family works together and plays together. It was also a fantastic way to show me just how out of shape I am! Oh, my word, my legs got heavier and heavier as we went! I totally concur with would be fine but why can't they walk? Just an ambling little shuffle up and down the field? Perhaps stopping along the way to examine a dandelion or two?

Later on in the afternoon the girls played in the little blowup wading pool we got for Cornbread. It's perfect for their babies to go swimming in! They ran and ran all over the yard and rode their bikes. We brushed the dogs and played with them. We took Daisy for a walk up to the church and the girls played while I walked. And walked. I am trying to get back to exercising as I should.

(Ok gentlemen readers {embarrassment alert} don't read the next section if you are easily embarrassed)

I'm feeling a bit....soft and squishy. Have you ladies done any of the jiggly tests? No matter how skinny you are it is possible to fail the jiggly test. You know you shake your leg back and forth to see how badly your thighs jiggle. Or that skin on the underside of your arm?And honestly seeing Rosie after the puppies were born was a bit too...... familiar. She would attempt to run down the drive when we would leave and her bosoms would be flopping from side to side. Yeah, much too familiar!

So I am attempting to increase the activity level in natural ways with the children. Before I got pregnant this last time I was really enjoying doing pilates and alternating with tae-bo. I had only been doing it for a few months when I got pregnant but I think it helped a lot with my back this time. I had started the regimen to try to strengthen my core. My pregnancy with FlowerChild required a lot of bedrest and those muscles were weakened. Then LadyBug's pregnancy followed pretty closely behind so I went through the same thing just minus the bedrest (thankfully!) But you need to be fairly regular for the maximum benefits. So as much as I would love to get back to that type of exercise the schedule doesn't always allow for it. And playing with the children creates much nicer memories!

We cooked a chicken on the grill last night and it was out of this world good! If you haven't tried cooking one standing up over a can then you must! Ok read that after I posted and thought I better edit it as the picture it conjured up was too funny! What I meant to say was, have you tried placing the chicken on a can and roasting it that way? Ha, ha can you imagine the novice cook attempting to follow my directions to the letter? This time we used a root beer and stuffed fresh herbs from the garden in it. Mmmmmmm....rosemary and pineapple sage with parsley and onion grass. It was delicious! Last time we used a coke with some salt and pepper on the chicken and it was also good but this time was outstanding! I made a big, fresh salad and a squash casserole and fried potatoes to go with it.

Well, my little man has gone to sleep now so my computer time is up. Have a blessed day!


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