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What Counts?

Well, my week has not slowed down! Cornbread has not felt so well for a couple of days now. Yesterday he had to be held all the time. Today he ran fever. I think he is just cutting a tooth but I am keeping a close eye on it. Today I had an eye appointment. I am years overdue! My prescription is all wrong since my eyes have changed quite a bit. I knew that much! But hopefully the new glasses will help. He did tell me I may find I have to take them off to read. That is a new one for me! Sigh, one step closer to bifocals!

Everything I told you about in a previous post is still waiting to be done. I am not a clean freak by any means but I do love for the house to be in order. I love to smell candles and potpourri. And bleach. I know, it doesn't quite fit in with that but there it is. You know those little lines the vacuum cleaner leaves behind when your carpet is nice and fluffy? yep, love'em.. My ladies class will smile at this next one. I absolutely love to see my towels all folded just so, stacked and packed perfectly in line with each other. It gives a calm serene feeling when everything is in order. It just oozes contentment.

And then we have my house today. No nice smells. Only dirty footprints on the floor! And the towels? Oh, my goodness I am just so glad I actually got some washed and IN THE BATHROOM! LOL have you ever washed and dried them faithfully only to get out of the shower and the towels are still in the washroom? Now, that is a lesson in preparing ahead!

I could throw a fit over everything that needs to be done. I could rant and rave and play martyr because "I" have to get it all done. But would it be worth it? Not really. I would much rather focus on making this house into a home instead of a showplace. So what will I do?

Well, tomorrow morning after Bible and cappucino I will make sure I get my makeup on and I am dressed. Why? Because I will work better if I feel better. Staying in my sweats all day might be comfy but honestly it leaves me feeling like a maid instead of a homemaker. I don't want to complete my work in drudgery I want to do it in love! And with the amount of work I will be facing I really want to revel in love not drudgery!

We will make sure we have our schooling done. A clean house will do no good if we get off schedule and have to crunch to catch up. It will just cause more stress later.

If the baby is feeling better then maybe I can do a little bit of cleaning when he goes down for his nap. I usually take it a room at a time. I like to start in the bathroom because I can get it done very quickly. And because I like the clean, bleach smell that permeates the house. It motivates me! :)

Once he is awake I will probably turn on some good music and get the little ones in on it. It can be more time consuming when they are young and you are still training them. But it is so worth it in the long run! FlowerChild is beginning to enjoy the benefits of a clean room.

Once the rooms are picked up and dusted we will change the sheets. Then we will vacuum. I would really love to clean the carpets afterward but that may be wishful thinking.

By then it will be time for supper. Cheeseburger pie with a fresh salad and hershey pie for dessert. The girls will love helping out with that.

Now those are my plans. But this is real life. The baby may not feel any better. He could even feel worse warranting a doctor visit. My throat is sore so I may be the one that is not up to par. I may not get to any of these things. But that is ok. If I can look back over the day and smile it really is ok! If I can look over the day and know I made my family feel special it really is ok!

For as much as I want that comfortably clean house tomorrow , more than that I want my children to feel loved and happy. I want my husband to want to come home to me. Being the center of the home means making home a blessing. So I will continue to try to focus on being a blessing!


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