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My How Times Change

Well, the day is winding down and a lovely day it has been! The weather was beautiful. especially after all this rain. I opened the windows so we could air out the house. The children enjoyed being outside again although, surprise, surprise they needed a bath when we were ready to come in!

The FisherMan got out to do some visiting. Our little nursing home folks were not doing well. We have one man that fell and broke his hip. Two days later his wife fell and broke her hip and her shoulder! They are in very bad shape now. We need to all remember to be thankful for our health!

Tonight was so nice! We had a visit from my aunt and uncle. We haven't seen them in....well, I just do not remember when....way too long! I grew up going to their house and spending time there when I was out of school. This is the uncle that little Cornbread is named after. It's actually a duo my son is named for in that my cousin also shares the name. He is off at college so he could not be here. He's 6'6. Can you guess what sport he plays? :) Anyhoo, we had such a pleasant time.

It is always so special to me to see my children with family. I want them to have those relationships in their life. It is hard in today's world to get everyone together though. For us it is especially tough because our family is small anyway and then a little spread out, too. Everyone stays so busy. But we all can sometimes "busy" ourselves right out of some real blessings, I think.

It got me to thinking which of course, led me to my blog to ramble! :) Do you remember how it was or have you heard folks talk about how it was in the 'old days'? People took time for each other and took time for visiting. Back then families were larger rather than today's 2. 5 children and a dog statistic. Families worked hard together and played hard together. There was always someone there to lend a hand.

But progress stepped in. Televisions became popular. People became engrossed in the talking box with pictures. Suddenly the neighborhood wasn't nearly as interesting.

Then something as simple as a change in the style of architecture brought about a subtle shift in our way of life. Do you know what I am referring to? The front porch. People would sit out on the porch and they actually knew the neighbors! But once again progress stepped in. Now there wasn't a friendly place to relax and visit. And, of course, we couldn't miss our favorite show.

Things in the world were changing, too. Women began to work outside the home more and more frequently. Some things simply had to be put on the backburner. Where the weekend used to be a time for relaxation and visiting, now we needed to catch up on everything we had no time for during the week. There wasn't any time to travel to relative's homes. Cooking changed from a way to nurture our family to just another chore to be dealt with. Convenience was eagerly sought after. What could be better than something fast, easy and look, it could even be eaten in front of the TV?! No dishes to wash, no table to clean up. But no place for a family to gather either.

A new target audience developed. Children with time on their hands needed entertainment. Along came video games.

But now they needed an outlet. Obesity was becoming a problem. Enter in organized sports. No longer did children know how to go outside and play. Instead families divided up and headed to opposite ballfields. But the love of competition instilled a need to be the best. And to be the best you must start early. Now we added dance class or piano class to the mad rush. Fast food became a staple of the American diet.

We had to provide all the right things to our children. No longer was it enough to feed, clothe, train, guide, LOVE! No, we had to make sure our children had the right brand names and the right toys. It only made sense to limit the size of our family, right? It takes money, after all!

There is a real concern about how many people will be facing caring for their elderly parents all on their own. So many have no siblings to help out. And of course, they have to work. They can't just quit their jobs. Hmmm. wonder why? What has our society become? I thought women working was supposed to provide freedom not tie them down.

So, here we are today. Busy. Don't think I am jumping on a bandwagon against anything mentioned. That was just some random things I noted through the years.

Against small families? No, I am an only child. :)
Against women in the workplace? No, my mom had to work and I have worked outside the home as well. But I will say I am much happier and fulfilled being at home fulltime. :)Against convenience foods or fast foods? Are you kidding? We ate Church's chicken at supper tonight! However, I did cook some things to go with it. :)
How about TV? Nope, not against that either. But it does monopolize way too much of our time and it is the doorway to so much trash in the world. So it sometimes feels like turning on the tube is opening that door and saying, "Come on in!" to all that trash.
Organized sports or instruction? No and no. My children enjoy sports and I personally, would love to take up piano lessons again. :)
Lastly, brand names? No, nothing against them, they just do not happen to matter to me. :)

NO, this isn't about some legalistic, pointing fingers at people's choices to say they are somehow less Christian. Rather it is pointing out that all choices have consequences. When you look back America was a much different place a mere 50 years ago. Something had to happen. Sometimes when we step out we find ourselves on a slippery slope. It isn't that some choices are so much sinful as it is we need to look and see where that choice might lead us. Listen to the news. Our government is making decisions on a daily basis that are going to change our way of life. What slippery slope do you think we will find ourselves on next?


  1. What a great post. I think God has spared me some of the "busyness" by having children who don't play every organized sport. We are still busy but not "crazy" busy. I have an uncle who wouldn't by his wife a dryer for 15 years. They had the money...he just didn't see the need. I use to think it was so wrong...but all 4 of his grown boys are close to the Lord. He even has one in the NFL who is close to the Lord...Something to be said about nuturing at home.
    Cute blog skin too!
    Blessings and GOOD NIGHT!

  2. Hi, Lorrie! Yes, I know what you mean...busy, but not crazy busy. When we only had our oldest it still turned into a ratrace. Now that our family is larger I know we must make the right choices to protect our family time. It's the simple daily things that build character. I pray I will leave a legacy such as your uncle is leaving. Blessings!

  3. Well put, I can remember going to my great grandmother's every weekend and sitting at the table so big it took benches for everyone to sit at and oh how do I remember the big homemade cat head biscuts made with love and everyone enjoying the good old days.

  4. Peaceful Lives:
    Aren't all the memories just so wonderful to look back on? I always hope we are providing a wealth of memories for our children! Good ones!

  5. I know I'm fairly young, but I grew up with my "backward" grandparents. In the summer-time we were all barefoot and outside playing. We couldn't wait for breakfast to be done so we could get out there. (I think it was partly because it was hotter in the house than it was outside..LOL)
    We were always making mudpies (sometimes even tasting our creations), mixing leaves and sticks in big cast iron pots. Always into something.
    I even remember getting to stay up all night around the 4th of July while my granddaddy cooked a pig.
    Oh what wonderful times!!!!! I miss them so much. It all seems lost in this busy fast-paced lifestyle we lead now...

  6. Mama Hen:
    Isn't it funny that the ordinary happenings of today are the memories of tomorrow?

  7. I enjoyed reading your post immensley! Americans have traded materialism for home and family life! I agree with you that organized activities among other things are acceptable, but need to be practiced in moderation. It seems as though many Americans do not understand the word moderation anymore. I am glad that I haven't been too busy to enjoy homecooked meals with family after church, be-friend an elderly neighbor battling loneliness, or other priceless benefits accompanied by not being too busy! My hope and prayer is that more families will learn of the priceless benefits that come with not being busy all the time.

  8. Hello, Jessica
    Welcome! Thank you for your kind comment. You are so right...moderation seems to be the exception rather than the rule these days. A simple lifestyle reaps so many benefits that people caught up in the fast paced world do not even realize.


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