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Ramblings About My Day

Such a peaceful night! When we arrived home from church tonight the children were so tired. A snack, some cough medicine, pjs, and brushed teeth...boom, they were all asleep! It went from children loud and rambunctious, dogs barking wanting to be fed, husband ready to eat his supper to.....quiet! Everyone went to sleep even the dogs, LOL! So here I am blogging. :)

Do you remember me mentioning the couple from our church who was in the nursing home? The husband fell and broke his hip then 2 days later his wife fell and broke her hip and her shoulder. Oh so sad! They have not been well since. Well, the wife, Mrs. Gladys passed away and her funeral was today. There were so many stories told about her. She was upheld as a true Proverbs 31 woman.

She was married for 40 years to her first husband and 29 years to Mr. Ben. Think of it, 69 years of faithfulness! So many today can't even manage 5! They told the story of when her first husband was alive. He was a big guy and worked as a diesel mechanic. Every day she would cook him lunch. He would come home to eat lunch then lay down in the floor and sleep til time to return to work. One day as he lay there sleeping she was painting her nails. She got the idea to paint his nails too! He did not even realize it until he was at work and a coworker asked him if he was ok! You can imagine back then! It's even funnier when you realize what a sweet, quiet person she was.

Mr. Ben said she was always bad about locking the door when he would go out. To the barn? Lock the door. To the pond? Lock the door. Town? Lock the door. Mailbox??? Lock the door. He said he always hoped he would get to heaven first because he was afraid she might lock the door if she made it first!

She really left a legacy. I enjoyed meeting some of her family. We had an especially pleasant conversation with her grandaughter and her husband. We also ran into an old friend from college. It was nice to catch up with him and hear about his family.

Afterwards we ran by and picked up my new glasses. My others were in pitiful shape! My sweet husband has patiently superglued them back together numerous times now (usually after a child accidentally broke them)until I could manage to get new ones. Just to show you, the lady handed me the glass case and told me I could put the old pair in it. Um, no I can't. They don't fold anymore!

My new pair is a much different style and it has been interesting to see how the children reacted to them. Cornbread was the deciding factor for me. It was between these which just have the frame around the top of the lenses and another pair, also sort of a square shape, which had the frame all the way around. He wrinkled up that little face and would not come to me in the other pair! Well, you know Mama was not having that! The other pair went back on the shelf, no questions asked!

My other boy probably won't be too impacted one way or the other. He'll be coming home this weekend so we'll find out then what he thinks. Ha, like he's going to tell me, "They're awful!"

Sweet little LadyBug is not so sure about it. She loves her Mommy just like she is, even with glued together glasses. But as long as she has my skirt tail to hold onto and my arm to rub she is happy. (That's just her little comfort thing, when she is nervous, tired, anything, she rubs my arm)

Now FlowerChild? She says she loves them because they make me look like a rock star! Woo-hoo that'll make you feel young! Oh, shoot. Never mind. I just had an image of an aging rock star from the eighties. You've seen them. I won't name any names though. Right now I have tens of readers but you never know if one day some aging rock star might visit here. Wouldn't want to hurt their feelings, ya know. :)


  1. I love the knew glasses. And I must agree with FlowerChild--they're so "hip". Plus they look good on you!!

    Looking forward to the party Saturday!!!

  2. Thanks Mama Hen. Now if I can get to where I can walk without the ground appearing to come up to meet me!


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