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Are You a Supermom or a Super Mom?

There has been a trend in women that has seemed to grow and snowball throughout the years. I suppose the temptation to be able to be the best at everything lies within all of us. However with the dawn of feminism a new sort of perfectionism reared it's head and it has permeated society with a vengeance. It is the 'supermom' mentality.

Supermom can do it all. She can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan. She will be well respected and indispensable at work. In her smart business suit and heels she can still manage to chase down toddlers, cook gourmet meals, and keep a perfect house. Her children will be smart and well behaved.

Even better, she can morph to fit different expectations. If she does not work outside the home Supermom can be the carpool queen. She will simultaneously manage to get 4 kids to opposite corners of the city at the same time for their various practices and games. She will tirelessly volunteer at school whether it is room mother or PTA president. She can organize a fund raiser that sets a record while making sure the teachers have fresh baked goods in the teacher's lounge. The school couldn't do without her.

Maybe she and her husband have been led to homeschool. They will have a large family of at least 6 children. Thanks to Supermom's excellent organization skills the house will be showcase worthy at all times. Donning her denim jumper each morning she will effortlessly train her children. They will be perfectly behaved, almost miniature adults! Her children will be the best and the brightest, scoring in the top 5% on standardized tests. They will be able to quote whole chapters of scripture and be proficient in Latin and violin.

Don't forget that since this is Supermom we are talking about that it goes without saying that she will also be Superwife. She will be her own person with her own agenda while simultaneously being a wonderfully submissive wife. Her husband will be totally satisfied in every area of their relationship at all times.

Does it sound as though I am blasting women? No, I am blasting these stereotypes! It's bad enough that many women struggle with wondering if they are doing a good enough job as it is. But then when these impossible to live up to stereotypes get thrown in the mix we often fail to realize that stereotypes aren't real life. We each project an image that people sometimes perceive as being everything we are. But just as an image in a mirror can't possibly encapsulate everything that makes you who you are so it is with our image to others. An image is not a real person!

Maybe you have never realized that you were falling for an image rather than seeking God's will for your life. Magazines and movies are full of stereotyes. A photograph is lightened and brightened, trimmed and cropped, painted and air brushed to the point of looking like a different photo before it ever gets published. Many of us fully recognize that the models and movie stars are simply a public image. But then we don't even realize that we fell for the lie anyway. You are lying to yourself any time you look longingly at someone else's life and think they have it all together. Whether it is their job, their marriage, their children, their home, whatever! You can bet they are struggling to find their way, too.

So instead of attempting to be Supermom try to be a super Mom. Play with your child, teach your child, be there for them. Instead of being Superwife be the woman your husband fell in love with. Strive to treat him with love and respect, placing his needs above your own. Instead of trying to keep up with anyone else, seek to be the person God wants you to be.

It takes courage. It takes getting into His Word and accepting what He has to say. Cast out preconceived notions of what and who you need to be. It is fine to find women you can look up to and learn from. In fact, it is biblical. But resist the urge to be identical. Resist the urge to force yourself into a mold whether it be Supermom, Superwife, Superchristian, or Superwoman! Whenever God calls you to do something in life He equips you to complete it. So allow Him to mold you and make you into who He wants you to be.

Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "
Proverbs 31:28 "Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also and he praises her."


  1. Hey, is there a way to email this page to friends without them being "bloggers"? I'd love to share this with so many people!!!!

  2. Mama Hen: Yes just put the link to this post in an email. When they click on it the page will open. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  3. Country Life Girl: Thank you :)

  4. A great word! We all need this encouragement as wives and mothers ... singles,etc. !!!

  5. Tiffany: Thanks! Glad it spoke to your heart and gave you a bit of encouragement today! :)


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