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Something is Terribly Wrong

My bloggy friend Lorrie has a post up with a link to a news story that just riles me up. You can read the story here. A child with autism was arrested for...oh, horrors!...exhibiting autistic behaviors! Behaviors that were exaggerated by the teacher's actions.

Those of you with access to my private family blog know that I have the autism awareness background on it. Is there any wonder why we need to bring awareness to this subject? People what are we becoming? When we reach the point of arresting children? Something is terribly wrong. When our President can go on the Tonight Show and nonchalantly use the Special Olympics as a way to make light of his bowling game as though the participants were something to gawk at, a joke? Something is terribly wrong. When we can casually abort a baby and state a birth "defect" as justifiable cause? Something is terribly wrong.

You know, we live in a time where our quest for automatic self indulgence is overridden by only one thing which is our quest for perfection. Anything less is unacceptable. There is just one problem with that. In all of history there has been one instance of perfection. We find it in Jesus. All we have is our perception of perfection. Perceptions change with the times. Back in the fifties size 16 was considered beautiful. Today? Well, perfection equals size zero. Remember the eighties? Big hair was all the rage. The bigger, the better. Today soft and straight is the only way to go. The perfectly made-up face is something women have been chasing after for a very long time. Once again it depends upon the time frame. Bright red lipstick or muted pastels? Punk rocker or the natural look? How about clothing styles? Wow. Even the perfect decor is questionable. Victorian or modern? Ha, remember the bright oranges and olive greens of the seventies? Or the blue and mauve shades of the eighties?

But, all those things are so superficial. Perfectly superficial. The gift of life, however, is not based on superficial human perceptions. Yet, we try to play God and decide whether a baby is worthy of life. Some places already do the same for the elderly. Do we really think the U.S. is very far behind?

Society likes to pretend there is truly a human standard of perfection rather than a sovereign God who has purpose in all life. So they stamp their little labels here and there and toss around the terms. "disabled" "birth defects" Those are the nicer ones. We all know about the not-so-nice ones.

No matter how you try to frame it though it is still looking through the lens of human perception. What about God's perception? We throw away His biggest blessings and when He sends us a blessing that looks different from the rest we decide it doesn't measure up. Something is terribly wrong.


  1. What a great post. People don't understand that our current administration will take "abortion rights" to new heights if they have their way. While they claim they want to "throw money" at the disabled community...they'd be perfectly happy with "getting rid of"...I mean..."letting a woman choose" if she's able to care for a (insert disability here) child. We just have to be diligent with prayer, because we already know God's in the process of judging our nation and we collectively need to repent.

    You're so right...something is terribly wrong.

  2. It was a great post; sorry you have to post about something so wrong. We need to contine to pray each and everyday for the goverment and people that just do not choose to understand. LOVE YA'LL

  3. It makes me sooooo sad to think of what is "allowed" and "okay" to go on ..... Thanks for sharing! And you are soooo right ...something is definitely terribly WRONG!!!

  4. Ladies, we better pray hard!


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