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Catching Up With Each Other

So, life has been a bit chaotic lately but what's new? :o) I thought I would share a little from different areas of our life. Wanna chat with me for a while and play catch up? In no particular order, here goes:

In the Kitchen:
With soccer going on in a different town we have been on the go way too much. Tonight was supposed to be the last game but it was canceled. Naturally we found out when we got to the field and no one else was there! I am looking forward to being home and having more home cooked meals. I am thinking about those summer comfort foods....fresh peas with cornbread, fried okra, sliced tomatoes, macaroni and cheese, maybe make some homemade ice cream. Mmmmm!

Which leads me to the garden:
The FisherMan loves to garden and has over one hundred seedlings started. He won't be able to put that many out but what a great start! If everything produces we will have squash, tomatoes, okra, hot peppers, bell peppers and peas. It isn't a huge garden spot, but it's enough to help out. Kind and generous friends often pass along extras as well which is a huge blessing! I love fresh vegetables!

In our yard:
Spring has sprung! Everything is in bloom and it is simply beautiful! I love the wisteria and it is everywhere. It smells so good. The azalea bush out back is loaded with hot pink blooms. The popcorn bushes are exploding with white blossoms. I took various pictures of everything in bloom today. It's getting to be grass cutting time. We are expecting 4-7 inches of rain over the next few days so it should really be shooting up. I am glad I took pictures. If we get any high winds with this bad weather that is predicted then there may not be any left!

In the schoolroom:
Well, the FlowerChild is excited. She finished her reading book today. She actually would have finished sooner but we supplemented with reading some children's books. I found it to be necessary in order to build up her confidence. She loved reading her stories from her reading book but lacked confidence when she needed to read something elsewhere such as a sign or from another book or something. You should have seen her face when she completed Good Night, Moon on her own! It finally clicked that she could do this!
I had planned on using Rod and Staff next but now I am leaning towards getting the Pathway Readers. If anyone has experience with any of this please pass on your opinions! We are using Rod and Staff Math and I like it. It is straightforward and simple with a spiral approach that allows for plenty of review where needed. It is certainly no frills but that makes it easy to supplement with other items. My impression is that Rod and Staff and Pathway are very similar. The main reason I am considering Pathway instead is that I thought she would enjoy the family centered stories that it offers. I also plan on getting the Nature readers both for reading and for science. I am planning on Explode the Code for phonics.

The bathroom:
Ha, gotcha wondering with that one? Actually we are repainting in there. Well, the FisherMan is. I may get in on the act soon but for now he is happily working away. We were having a mildew problem. He got up there and cleaned it all up from the ceiling. Now he has scraped and recaulked and has just about got the whole thing primed, ready to repaint with a mildew resistant paint. It already looks much better! We are going with a lighter color this time.

Well, short and sweet but now you know a little bit about life this week. How about you....what's going on in your corner of the world?


  1. Oh, can't wait to see the new bathroom. Can't you see a bunch of us piled in the hallway at the bathroom door admiring the new paint job. HA!!! I loved the deep burgandy color before, but I know you've chosen something just as pretty!!!

  2. Mama Hen: Hee, hee I usually start in the bathroom when cleaning so when interruptions happen I always think,"Oh, well if company drops in, I guess we can congregate in the bathroom!" Now there will be an additional reason!


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