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I Do

How are you doing on the laundry at your house? Well, I am fighting a never-ending battle here! :) We are either very clean people or some nasty folks, I'm not sure! I never catch up even though I am constantly washing and drying clothes. But I try to use it as a time of focusing on my sweet family in prayer. Do you ever do that? Here is what I mean.

When I wash the children's clothes I might pray: thanking God for sending me children to raise for Him, asking for wisdom and strength to do the job right, praying for their futures that they will love the Lord and serve Him, praying for their future spouses and children...just whatever comes to mind. It also is a good time to pray for anything that might be going on right then such as training issues with the little ones or problems I may know about in my oldest son's life.

Today I washed the FisherMan's clothes. I use the time to pray for him as well but today I had to smile as I cleaned out his pockets. It told so much about him and why I love him so much.

There was the ring pop wrapper from the soccer game. It made me think about how he never misses a game (unless there was a death or something serious going on with a church member) but also the wrapper was from LadyBug. He always takes a little money so she can walk with him to the concession stand and get a little something. I love that he loves his children and takes part in their lives. Some folks might not think that is a big deal. But I do.

There was the handwritten note listing the parts he needed for his lawn mower so he could do the work himself. He doesn't mind it whether it's the lawn mower or the car. He handles all the maintenance issues and takes care of the yardwork as well. We never even have to think about those things. Some people might not think that makes him super hero status. But I do.

There was the other handwritten note in his shirt pocket with the name and room number of an ailing church member. He has a heart for the hurting and is always checking in on the sick and the shut ins. He amazes me with the way he can walk in a sickroom and know exactly what to say or how to pray. People that only know the joking side of him probably have no idea just how much he cares. But I do.

Some women forget how blessed they are and begin to take their husbands for granted. They may begin to focus on faults rather than remember how much in love they were when they got married. They don't view marriage as a gift. But I do.


  1. I do also. It is wonderful and I love mine that much more with the muddy clothes, the ink pen or the crayons. Our families are such blessings and I thank God for mine and love them each a little more everyday.

  2. Country Life Girl,
    It's easy to let "life" overtake everything to the point of forgetting your 'life' is together! We need to constantly remind ourselves how blessed we are!

  3. Papa Rooster usually cleans out his pockets before shedding his clothes, but I love finding the little notes of figures every where. Everything has numbers, numbers, numbers. This just lets me know he's taking care of me, by handling our finances!! Oh...and the little tracks of chicken litter here and there!!!!! Now what other woman would find chicken litter "SEXY"...LOL!!!!! But I DO!!!

  4. Mama Hen,
    Just goes to show you love runs deep and it has nothing to do with the stuff you see in movies! Can't you just see it? "Ring Pops, Chicken Litter, and Love"


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