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Caring for your Puppy

From the perspective of 4 and 6 year old sisters.

1. Say hello to your puppies first thing in the morning. Make sure you wake your parents to take you outside to visit your puppies while there is still frost on the ground. Note: You may have to be very persistent and loud in order to wake them up. Don't let their grouchiness deter you!

2. If the puppies are still asleep be sure to shout hello to them as you burst out the back door. That way they will immediately wake up, cry and scatter in opposite directions as they beg loudly to be fed all before your parents have had their morning glass of tea and cup of cappuccino.

3. If your parents remain unconvinced that it is indeed time to feed and play with your puppies you may have to resort to irritating singing at the top of your lungs just to be sure they don't get too relaxed thereby becoming tempted to linger over that tea and cappuccino. Do what you have to do!

4. Once you have convinced your parents it is feeding time you may want to find shoes. It is a nice compromise that seems to distract them from the fact that you (and they) are still in pajamas. This is especially helpful when the puppies are through and you wish to move on to riding your bike.

5. You should know milk is messy.

6. You should also know puppy food doesn't smell so good. Especially when it is mixed with milk.

7. After the puppies finish eating they will want to play. The best way to do this is to get in their bed and let them climb all over you. But it doesn't give them a very long playtime since your parents will probably make you get out pretty quick.

8. They will need to go to sleep once they finish playing. Hold them like a baby, rock back and forth and sing to them. Then put them all in a pile on their bed.

9. When they wake right up and chase you, pick them up and put them back in bed. It may be necessary to hold some of them upside down as you catch them. Don't worry, they like the view.

10. You may have to lay in their bed with them this time. But be prepared! Your mama may be a bit irate when she makes you get out this time. Just explain to her that the puppies NEED you.

11. Take the puppies out on the grass in the afternoon. Feed them some milk.

12. Put them all in your red wagon and take them for a ride. Just don't take them on the concrete. Daddy says falling on their heads will give them brain damage.

13. If they try to climb out just go faster with the wagon. If they still don't like it put some in your doll stroller. But don't shake them too much when you ride them. Daddy says that'll give them brain damage, too.

14. Be sure to tell your parents how much you love those puppies. It helps to change your favorites just about every day. It doesn't hurt to even do it a couple of times a day! That way they'll let you keep them all. (We'll let you know how that one works!)


  1. I could not resist reading this to a coworker. I laughed so hard this morning. I can see both of the girls doing this, especially Flowerchild. Co-worker says you should just go ahead and write a book. Never a dull moment at the Preacher's House!!!!

    See ya'll tonight

  2. Mama Hen: Oh, these girls are a trip! Imagine when the little man joins in the ruckus!


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