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What's Behind the Names?

Well, anyone reading my profile can see I don't use our real names on here favoring nicknames instead. But the nicknames tell a little something about each of us as any of you who know us IRL could testify to!

For me, Everybody's Mama fits because as I said in a previous post I have a tendency to mother everyone around whether it is in hugs, listening, counseling or cooking! I love to have a house full at any given time. Sure it can get rowdy and that can be nervewracking to say the least...but for me family extends beyond just biological ties. I tend to be a quiet person so I guess that is how the noise comes out, I just surround myself with it!

The FisherMan...well, for all my quiet personality he is the other side of the coin! I call him that because yes, he does love to fish but also as a play on words since he is a pastor, a fisher of men. I once described him like this. When he isn't around everything is shades of gray, black and white. But when he is here it all lights up in color! He has a big, loving personality and fills up a room. There is so much around here that I never even have to think about doing because he takes care of it. He is such a blessing to me and I love him so much!

The Guitarman...well, obviously he is a musician! He is a real mix of his mama and daddy both in looks and personality. He is quiet but has a dry wit. He can be very ADD and forgetful yet he has a steadiness and strength about him that I know will only grow as he gets older. I love it when he is home. There is always a strain of music going in the background, or the sound of him and his dad laughing or talking sports, or him playing with his younger siblings. He makes it very easy to love him and be proud of him!

The FlowerChild...well, we call her that and Butterfly. She is all music. laughter, dancing and sunshine! She looks like me and has her daddy's big personality (and loudness!). Just like him everyone knows when she arrives! She is full of energy and loves to be in the middle of everything but can be surprisingly shy, too. She has a sensitive side to her that makes her very tender hearted. She often reminds me of her big brother in the way she expresses herself and the things that interest her. She is such a precious little girl!

Little LadyBug...we call her that because she well, loves to play with ladybugs! She has my shy, quiet personality and is a mama's girl preferring to stay close. She loves to cook and even watches Food Network. She is so sweet and has a laugh that will melt your heart. She also has a mischievous side to her that is hilarious!

SmileyFace...well, we are announcing a new nickname for our little man. SmileyFace is totally appropriate because he is such a happy baby. But the other morning all the children had piled in the bed with us. The FlowerChild was happily playing with the baby but needed to get up. So out of the blue she says in her finest Southern accent, "Here, mama, pass this little piece of cornbread to Daddy." Well, needless to say we just hollered. It was so cute and it stuck. So from here on out it's...Cornbread!


  1. Awwww ...Cornbread! That is so cute! :) You are blessed with a neat mixture of personalities! That makes life so fun! :)

  2. Tiffany: We are indeed blessed. Funny how God can create all those personalities, put us together and make a family!


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