Jack has had a rough week. He injured his foot somehow and has been in a lot of pain with it. Good thing he has all of us to cater to him and spoil him until he felt better! We have given him pain medicine, wrapped his leg in a heating pad, and he has slept with the girls under the covers, no less all week.
Think that is something? You should have seen us in the Spring when his leg was broken and casted after he was run over (he was asleep under the vehicle, which is something he has never done!). The vet wasn't so sure that he would make it at his age. I was big, fat pregnant, due anytime and here is this 95 pound dog that has to be hauled around for any move he made! But your pets are family and he has been with us many years so there was no question as to what we would do! The children all helped out and I really think it was their TLC that pulled him through. It was a great lesson for them in caring and responsibility as well as faith.
When I can get some pictures downloaded from my camera I will introduce you to another family member, due to have puppies any day!
I'm sure the girls are taking very good care of Jack, and I'm sure Fisherman remembers how to haul him outside...hahaha!!! Tell them that we will pray for Jack to get better. Someone's going to need to help Rosie with all those puppies. We noticed Wednesday night that she looks like she's about to pop. I know the girls are getting excited!!!
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'll!
The Chicken Clan!!!!!
Mama Hen: Oh yes they do love to doctor! I do believe Jack is doing better. Ha, I showed the FisherMan this post with the picture. The first thing he said was "TLC, hmmmph!! I was the one out there hauling him around the yard at midnight!" Hee, hee As for Rosie she is definitely close. Is it me or does she resemble a goat now? Poor thing!