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Chaos of a new mommy

I had a wonderful day finding peaceful moments throughout the chaos. How about you? I had to run to the store to get the items we needed for Christmas dinner. As we went through the store my girls and I held hands and sang Christmas carols. Now that might sound corny to some but it was actually a lot of fun "bein' carolers" as my Flowerchild put it. There was something very precious and innocent in that moment that made me just want to hang onto their childhood and never let go. Shoppers turned to look (because it was after all, a very joyful noise! a very, loud joyful noise!) and the only thing my dear children paid attention to was Mama. And I have to say the only thing that stood out to me were the sweet smiles on their faces as we belted out We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Silent Night.

So it got me to thinking, we all have some kind of chaos in our lives. For some, it is juggling work or school with family. Others care for ailing family members while raising children and holding the home together. Or maybe it is multiple children, homeschooling.....whatever your story there are things you can do to bring peace into your life.

So here is my tip for today. This is for those moms-to-be who are wondering about bottle feeding vs. breastfeeding or the new mom who is wondering how long she should breastfeed. Really simple tip here:

**Breastfeed as long as you can and allow your child to naturally wean themselves! **

Disclaimer: Now I understand that some ladies have a lot of trouble physically with breastfeeding. It is devastating for a mother when she really wants to nurse her little one and is prevented by various health issues. In that case, bottle feeding with formula is a great blessing.

But I am not really addressing those kinds of things as that is for another post. No, I am speaking more to the moms who wonder about the "convenience" of it all. I am someone who can speak from both sides of it. When my oldest was born I had never been around anyone who breastfed. My mother-in-law was the only person I knew who had tried and she told me what an awful time she had and not to even try, the baby will be hungry, it hurts, all of which scared me away from even thinking about it.

So he was bottlefed. He had a very hard time with bottles and it took some time to find a type he could drink from. He had digestive problems as he grew and had food allergies as a child. Later when I became much more knowledgeable about nursing babies I wondered if he would have been healthier had I nursed. I decided that if God ever blessed us with another child I would try it. (never dreaming that I would be writing this, 3 additional children later!)

When our daughter came along I went into it with my mind fully decided. I could not believe how much easier it made things for us. No more boiling bottles. No more lost, moldy bottles under the couch! No more expensive, smelly formula. I could not believe how much happier it made a baby! No more wondering what was wrong when they cried. Nursing naturally bonds mother and baby and helps you be in tune with each other. No more missing sleep at night. Just nurse lying down and everyone gets their rest.

As for weaning. It is something that happened gradually and naturally. And can I add no more toddler tantrums when they are still nursing. It helps tremendously with that! Sure you still have your challenging times but nursing is truly a gift that helps you, the mother, as much as baby. It evens out hormones, helps with your weight and relaxes you both, usually when you most need to relax.

A lot of people ask about breastfeeding when you are out. I have found that it is not really a big deal. That is actually why I gave this as a tip today. I have had to be out a lot lately and I am so thankful to be nursing. No bottles to pack. I just nurse in the car before going in. Then again before heading home. If needed, I don't have a problem slipping into the bathroom. I don't feel I have to prove anything by nursing at my table in a restaurant or while pushing my grocery cart! But, hey, if you are bold that way I won't judge you either! Just please refrain from flashing! :o)

The point is enjoy your children. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that nursing will be forever and take so much from you. It actually gives so much! This is my third nursing baby and I know just how quickly the time passes. Flowerchild nursed for two years and three months. One week after she weaned (on her own) Ladybug was born. Now Flowerchild did ask a few times to nurse and I let her but it was more because she wanted to see if she still could have 'her place.' Once she knew she could she did not ask anymore. Ladybug's weaning was so gradual that I am not even exactly sure how old she was, over three years, I know. She also weaned all on her own. Now my little man is already 7 months and I know time will fly. I want to soak up all the time I can.

So don't let chaos rule over your peace. Mother your babies. Don't be afraid of nursing them or rocking them or letting them in your bed (gasp!) I promise you they will grow up! Grab your kids and go caroling down at the grocery store. You'll be glad you did!


  1. A mother of 11 once told me that I was going to "love" nursing and I thought she was crazy! "How can you enjoy a little baby sucking on your nipple all day? Yuck!" I thought.

    Now, I understand because motherhood has slapped alot of the selfishness right out of me! Our little one will be 4 weeks on Tuesday and I do enjoy nursing him alot! I have grown to savor and appreciate those moments of bonding more with each child.


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