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Artist at Work

It's been a lovely week here. The weather has been absolutely perfect, not too hot, not too cold. The leaves are changing with colors so vivid that I almost can't take it all in! I mean, have you just stopped to admire the beauty lately? The sunsets this week have been breathtaking! God's amazing artwork is at its finest in autumn, don't you think?

Yesterday afternoon the children played outside, busily piling up leaves and jumping in them, only to do it all over again. Today the weather suddenly took a turn and temperatures plummeted with freezing temperatures expected tonight. I went out and cut armloads of camellia blooms to decorate the house with. With their delicate pale blooms, I wasn't sure how well they would stand up to the freeze and I wanted an excuse to bring their beauty indoors!

Now I sit here curled up in the recliner with my cat, Tiger, trying to get warm by the fireplace. He has a hard time staying warm now that he is older (almost 16 years) and he adores the fireplace. If he doesn't have a lap to climb into (he can't jump up anymore) then he gets just as close to the fire as he can. It's so cozy to have him snuggled up with a contented purr. :)


  1. I have also been thinking about how beautiful everything is this past week. I let myself just relax and look around as I was running errands this week and the trees lining the streets downtown were the most brilliant yellow, and the skies have been so blue. My cats have been climbing all over me more as well. I miss a fireplace, lucky kitty. :)

  2. hi patty! It's so easy to get so caught up in life and forget to look around and really "see" both the beauty and our blessings. Now that I thhink about it maybe that is why God gives us autumn in all its glory, too force us to notice Him! :)


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