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What's In Your Heart?

It's been a wonderful day in the Lord today! Today being the 5th Sunday in the month means that we had the Lord's Supper at church followed by a fellowship meal and tonight we will have 5th Sunday singing. Sometimes we have a group or individual perform a concert and sometimes we just have old fashioned congregational singing. Tonight it will be our congregation making a joyful noise. Nothing fancy but there is something sweet, simple and comforting about coming together to worship in song. The GuitarMan was disappointed he would not be here. He is on Spring Break and vacationing down in South Florida. I think he wanted to bring his guitar and do a few songs. But maybe next time.

The FisherMan had a great sermon this morning which made the point that "head religion" is not enough. Beliefs must penetrate the heart to be effective. Just knowing about Jesus is not the same as knowing Him. I wonder how many of us are allowing Jesus to fully penetrate our hearts. What other things in life are we allowing to take up residence within our hearts and souls? It can be so easy to hand over a piece of ourselves here or there until the next thing you know there is no room left for the one true thing in life which is Jesus. It happens in such an insidious way that we usually don't even realize it. But realize it or not, it has the same effect. It robs us of having the kind of relationship with Christ that allows for full surrender unto Him.

This morning we were encouraged to examine ourselves prior to partaking of the Lord's Supper. Can I encourage you to make a habit of self examination? We all know it is easier to wipe down a countertop immediately rather than waiting for it dry and harden resulting in needing a good scrub. Wipe down the countertop of your heart today with a good dose of Jesus! Blessings!


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