Sweet Saturdays! It's been a great week of homeschooling and work. We are screening in a porch and applying fresh paint to the outside of the house. Hoping today holds a little TLC for the inside of the house! I find it has gotten away from us! Do you have those times too? The times you find yourself so busy you can't keep up with the normal things in life? Don't beat yourself up. It's not a problem when it's a season. It only becomes a problem when it's a habit! Unfortunately we all know that anything you practice long enough does become the regular way of doing life. So if you find yourself buried in the everyday life responsibilities, step back and take a deep breath. Think about what will bring you peace in your surroundings. Clean laundry, smelling fresh and sweet? I will admit I have a penchant for clean towels that are perfectly folded and stacked. Clean dishes, filling your cupboards? Uncluttered counters? I find I don't like to cook in a
Once again I find myself arranging ballerina buns and finding missing tap shoes. A new year of dance has begun and my girls could hardly contain their excitement. The fun of pulling socks over shin guards is also here. The only difference is that it is now my sweet boy that is playing soccer. They can start at the age of 3 here and he was excited to play last year. But when he arrived for his first practice he balked and retreated to the safety of Mama's arms. He was barely 3 at the time and was even still in a pull-up so we really weren't surprised. This year, however, he was ready! Funny how they can seem so big at home and look so tiny on the field! He did quite well at his first practice though. I had no doubt he would. From the time he took his first steps he would grab a ball and dribble all over the yard. (Dribbling in soccer is when you see them lightly kick the ball to move it around the field. Very important skill as they must be capable of maintaining contro